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Both Sony and Samsung ROM's abandoned Sinhala Unicode support for Android 5.0 and many other OEMs as well. Mahan Vijay Tv Serial Episodes. Here is a CWM flashable zip to get it back. Your phone must be Rooted. So don't ask me about how to root your phone on this thread and please leave root related questions on your device specific forums Guide: Rooted with CWM or TWRP recovery • Download and copy the Sinhala Font Android to your SD card • Reboot to recovery, select and install the zip • Reboot. Rooted but No recovery • Download and copy the Sinhala Font Android to your SD card • Open the zip file and go to system/fonts.
Then extract NotoSansSinhala-Bold.ttf & NotoSansSinhala-Regular.ttf to SD Card • Using a Root browser such as Root Explorer or ES Explorer copy the 2 extracted files to system/fonts in your device • Then set the Permissions rw-r--r-- for both • Reboot. Tested Devices: • Sony Xperia Z2 Android 5.0.2 Please test other devices and let me know so I can add to the list.