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The real estate industry is so much more than agents selling houses. In fact, if you're interested in this changing, dynamic industry, BCIT's Professional Real Estate diploma program offers you an opportunity to build your career as a real estate entrepreneur or an integral part of a corporate team.

As part of our unique program focused on preparing you for real-world success with practical-driven skills, you'll gain an understanding of fundamental business skills as well as focused industry knowledge. You'll gain the unique skills to read and forecast the real estate market and decide the most profitable approach for creating a real estate investment opportunity. And BCIT is the only institution in Canada where you can transfer half of your courses toward a Sauder School of Business (UBC) diploma.

About the program • 2-year, full-time program • Personal attention with just 26 students per class • Program run in collaboration with the Sauder School of Business where students get the best of both schools Find out more about how the Professional Real Estate diploma program can help you improve your career on the page. Who should apply for the Professional Real Estate Diploma?

While high-school completion is the only requirement to enroll in the program, students who have work and travel experience often have more success with the program and subsequent careers. The Professional Real Estate diploma program might be for you if you: • Have some work experience after high school • Have some business and travelling experience • Have some post-secondary education (1-2 years) • Have an ability to build relationships Most importantly, successful students often have a strong ambition to succeed and willingness to work toward an exciting career. If this sounds like you, visit our page to apply today. Your experience matters Do you have working experience or additional schooling? Your experience might qualify you for course credits toward your diploma.

Find out if you're eligible for. Graduates are also eligible to continue their studies to earn a degree at BCIT with full- or part-time evening courses, or continue their education at UBC in the Sauder School of Business. What grads can do At BCIT, you'll be prepared with courses and studies designed by working industry professionals. This gives you the real-world knowledge to move from graduation and into a career in a variety of fields. Our graduates are in high demand for opportunities like residential or commercial sales and development, industrial leasing, sales or financing, land development, marketing resort properties, project marketing, and more. Learn more about the exciting opportunities available on the page.

International Exchange BCIT offers a number of international exchange opportunities that helps students gain a global perspective of the economy, culture, government, and everyday life of the country they study in. Learn more about and.

Quick Estimator 2005 Keygen Mac. Accredited Program This program is accredited by the. Admission for the Real Estate Program has more applications than available seats.

Begin the application process early to increase your opportunities for acceptance. Applicants must have a passion for becoming a member of the real estate profession, as both the pace and content volume is very demanding of the student in this program. The real estate industry counts on our graduates having met and stretched above a very high bar on the ladder of success. As a sincere applicant, to ensure you fully understand the nature and content of the Professional Real Estate Program it is strongly recommended you first book a private meeting with the Program Head,. This meeting can be done by phone or in person. As BCIT delivers adult learning, it is expected all communication with any applicant is done only through the applicant and not through third parties. Recommended for success • Applicants are urged to attend an offered throughout the year.

These are free of charge and are open to all to attend. Registration is requested, but not required. • It is strongly recommended that you assess your fundamental mathematical skills. The [PDF] is voluntary. If you find these problems difficult, we strongly recommend that you attend. You should be able to do this exercise in about an hour, after which you should compare your answers with the correct ones supplied.

If you scored less than 20 out of 26 correct, you should seriously consider upgrading your mathematical skills. Advanced Placement You may be eligible to apply to an advanced level of the program through 1. Re-admission or 2. Direct entry. The following applies to all advanced placement applicants: • Complete applications: you must show proof of completing all requirements (proof of registration is acceptable for advanced placement applicants) to be considered. • Competitive entry: if the number of applications exceeds available seats, BCIT will accept those deemed to have the best opportunity for success.

• Acceptance based on seat availability: confirmation may not be available until approximately one week before the term begins. • Re-admission: Have you completed part of this program at BCIT and want to apply to an advanced level? Applications are accepted throughout the year.

You must submit the [PDF] with your application. • Direct Entry: Are you new to this program but have completed an equivalent part of it at BCIT or elsewhere and want to apply to an advanced level?

BCIT accepts complete applications starting: • February 1st for level 2 (January start) • November 1st for level 3 (September start) You must submit the [PDF] and proof of meeting the entrance requirements with your online application. View the [PDF] for details. Transfer Credit Do you have credits from another post-secondary school? Transfer credit may be granted for courses completed at BCIT or another post-secondary institution where the learning outcomes duplicate those of the BCIT course.

As per Admission Procedure 5003-PR1, the department reserves the right to determine the granting of credit where appropriate. Applications will be accepted up to day 14 of the term; an official transcript and a course outline where appropriate must be provided (or be on file with BCIT) to process the request. A maximum of two courses per level are eligible for credit through this process. Note: The September 2018 intake is not accepting applications to Level 1. Applications for direct entry and re-admission may be submitted.

Note: This program does not accept applications from international students. Candidates who wish to apply to the Professional Real Estate option must declare this option/specialization at the time of application. BCIT accepts only complete applications.

In order to apply: • Include proof of meeting all prior to submission • Convert all transcripts and supporting documents to PDF files • Have a credit card ready to pay the application fee You can check the status of your application online at any time using the. In preparing for a career in real estate at BCIT, you'll study a variety of courses that give you a solid understanding of business essentials in marketing, communications, and more. Additionally, you'll study truly applicable, job-focused skills in courses like Advanced Sales and Negotiation, Real Estate Law and Principles, and Building a Sustainable Real Estate Business.

In addition to classroom work and studies, all students engage in a 16-week Business Consulting Project to address and develop a solution to a real problem for a company. In this project, you'll learn to collect and analyze data, create recommendations, and present your findings to company management. Computers and information technology are the foundation of business today. This course provides an understanding of computer terminology, operating systems, and the most popular office software used in business. Students learn to use spreadsheets (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Google Spreadsheets), word processing applications (e.g.

Microsoft Word, Google Documents), and presentation and graphics programs (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Presentations, Keynote). Students also get an introduction to cloud computing and enterprise collaboration tools. The course also provides an overview of social media, Web-based collaboration, and publishing and productivity tools (e.g. WordPress, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube). This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of marketing. In addition to the “four Ps” of marketing—product, price, place, and promotion—students will be introduced to how marketers create customer-driven marketing strategies based on their research and understanding of the marketing environment and customers.

Students will develop a marketing plan and integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan based on a case study, which will be assessed on students’ application of marketing terminology and processes and in the professionalism of their work. Additionally, students will complete assignments, quizzes, and exams. Reviews basic mathematics applicable to business and industry. Topics include consumer and commercial credit, simple and compound interest, financial instruments and discounting, annuities, mortgages, loans, sinking funds, leases, depreciation methods, capitalized costs, cash flow analysis, NPV and IRR. Emphasis is on maximum use of pre-programmed calculator and practical applications from the field of Financial Management. Prerequisites: Algebraic skills to at least the Grade 11 level with a minimum 68% final mark. Students who do not have these skills should consider taking OPMT 0199 Math for Business or OPMT 0198 Business Math Assessment Test.

In an information-based society, understanding data management is essential. Every enterprise requires business analytics, decision support systems (DSS), and relational database management systems in order to utilize business information to create a competitive advantage.

This course builds on BSYS 1000 by expanding on the managerial approach developed in that course. This course will concentrate on more complex spreadsheet management tasks using a popular spreadsheet data analysis tool as well as creating simple databases using relational database management systems. Prerequisites: BSYS 1000. A study of the basic concepts of the management process: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. Integrated with the concurrent first-term courses and using the case-study method, it creates opportunities for the students to develop analytical, problem-solving, teamwork and communications skills, by analysing and presenting solutions to typical business problems. Topics covered include: structuring organizations, decision making and an introduction to production, human resources, controlling and strategic and tactical planning.

This course focuses on the context of accounting and the use of accounting information for decision making, planning, and control. It will examine how managers can utilize the tools of economics, forecasting, accounting/finance, and decision theory to aid in these critical decisions. The course will consider how differences and changes in the internal operating conditions and in the external political-economic environment can affect a manager's resource allocation decisions. Topics include incremental analysis, short- and long-run decision-making and financial analysis. This course provides the fundamental skills, tools and processes of professional selling. The focus is on “relationship” and “need-satisfaction” selling in a business-to-business environment. Through experiential exercises, practical applications and discussions students develop, deliver and evaluate a wide range of selling methods and presentations.

This course also covers the topics of: business intelligence, customer relationship management, sales psychology, sales technologies and ethical issues in selling. This course forms a foundation for advanced study in Relationship Sales, Advanced Sales & Negotiation and Sales Management. Prerequisites: MKTG 1102 and COMM 1100. This marketing research course will explore research tools and techniques needed to execute various marketing research projects. Emphasis will be on how marketing research fits into the strategic planning process; conducting situation analyses and exploratory research; identifying and locating sources of secondary data including Internet and other online resources; evaluating and selecting appropriate methods for conducting primary research; designing data gathering tools; conducting effective survey fieldwork; and tabulating, analyzing and reporting of primary research findings. You will be required to complete a major multi-method marketing research project. Airmagnet Survey Pro Download Crack Internet.

In combination with courses MKTG 3313, 4414, and 4330, this course will prepare you to successfully challenge the Real Estate Trading Services, the Rental Property Management, Strata Management, and Broker?s provincial licensing examinations, as required by the Real Estate Council of British Columbia. Focused on the British Columbia real estate industry model, this course includes the following general topics: fundamentals of law, British Columbia regulatory requirements, professional liability, BC tenancy law, strata corporation law, basic real estate financial statements, professional ethics, law of contract, agency law, mortgaging law, local government law, real property taxes, real property appraisal, and the Statements of Adjustment for a binding real estate contract. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Terms 1 & 2. This course builds on knowledge gained in the study of both macroeconomics and microeconomics in Levels 1 and 2. The focus concentrates on the relationship between basic economic principles and the identification and analysis of real estate market land development opportunities. You will become proficient in identifying and interpreting macro [P.E.E.S.T.] influences relevant to the ever-changing nature of real estate market opportunities.

Drilling-down to the real property site, you will examine the approach to identifying, analyzing, and assessing the viability of building-out a real property site. Prerequisites: ECON 2100 and ECON 2200. This course provides an introduction to the basics of financial analysis and its applications in real estate investment and mortgage financing. It will also provide a preview of the practical role that mortgages play in the real estate market.

Concepts are introduced, applications demonstrated, then you are assigned sequential real-life, market-driven opportunities from which you can apply lending industry core standards of practice. With a specific focus on real property applications, the components covered will be:MS EXCEL to the introductory level and its application to the real estate finance calculations and the visual expression of those calculations;Time Value of Money calculations; How to approach a financial problem; Anticipating and managing cash flow problems; Mortgage yields, bonuses, and discounts; Mortgage financing in relation to return, investment and property pricing; Analysis of investment and re-investment; Introduction to Project financing; Introduction to MS Project. Prerequisites: OPMT 1110. Business today is globally competitive and moves at a relentlessly accelerating pace.

The real estate industry is no exception. Indeed, real estate markets change in moments, and are trending to function independently based on product, location, and age of product. Accordingly, to build a sustainable profit model, business leaders must simultaneously embrace teamwork understanding the benefits of collaboration at all levels, while operating decisively as individuals. Understanding both the base elements of business, the Business Case and the Business Plan with the linkage to Marketing Strategy is vital to every real estate professional today.

Combined with the understanding of the concepts and application of the foregoing is the need of every successful real estate industry professional to be able to successfully implement of such tools. Marketing 3333, Building a Sustainable Real Estate Business shapes your learning through a focus on application of 7 core business concepts: High Performance Work Teams, Business Case, Business Strategy, and Marketing Communication Strategy, Real Estate and the Internet, Real Estate Customer Service Strategy, and Leadership. Prerequisites: MKTG 1102. This course moves the student into the arena of current practice in the most active segments of the real estate brokerage industry in British Columbia. The student is expected to demonstrate a sound base understanding of those segments. This course regularly drives the student into the active marketplace to reinforce application of concepts learned in class.

Progressing logically from a strategic to tactical approach, students will be introduced to an effective array of practical skills proven in the current market. An emphasis on sound, ethical, profitable business practice drives this course.

Prerequisites: MKTG 3311. This course includes: law, taxation on real property, appraisal, and construction. Additionally, the characteristics of urban real estate and the market, city growth and development, location factors influencing the determination of land use and ownership, institutional lenders, the mortgage market and the functions of the real estate agency, salesperson and appraiser are examined.

This course, a continuation of MKTG 3311, will prepare you to successfully challenge the Real Estate Trading Services licensing examinations, as required by the Real Estate Council of British Columbia. Prerequisites: MKTG 3311. This course builds on the fundamentals gained in MKTG 3313, and enables you to achieve greater competence with the skills involved in advanced mortgage finance and investment cashflow techniques. The economic environment of the mortgage market and the practical administration of mortgage loans are also examined in this course. Topics include: (1) Capital Markets, (2) Residential and Commercial Mortgage Underwriting, (3) Mortgage Administration, (4) Refinancing, (5) Appraisal, and (6) Development Lending. Prerequisites: MKTG 3313. Focuses on the unique characteristics of the specialty of real estate property management.

Whether a multi-unit residential property, an office building, or an industrial park, competent asset management skills are increasingly in demand in the real estate market place. This course introduces you to the core concepts and skills necessary to deliver professional real property asset management to the consumer. Upon graduation from the Professional Real Estate program, you will be ready to challenge the Rental Property Management Licensing examination required by the Real Estate Services Act. Prerequisites: MKTG 3311 and MKTG 3312 and MKTG 3313. Internet Marketing continues to play an increasingly important role in the success of every organization. Marketing students need to understand how to develop and implement online marketing strategies and tactics in this constantly evolving digital world.

The course covers internet-specific strategy development and marketing campaign planning and execution in many areas including, but not limited to: website design, search engine optimization, paid search, advertising, social media marketing, mobile marketing, e-mail marketing and online lead generation. This course will provide students with the required knowledge to build online marketing campaigns to increase customer acquisition, conversion, retention and growth. The course culminates in a final capstone project, in which students will build an Internet Marketing Plan for an actual business. Prerequisites: MKTG 1102 and MKTG 2202. You’ll prepare for your career in real estate with our unique program developed by people with extensive industry experience. Each step in your training is focused on practical skills used every day by successful real estate agents, brokers, appraisers, and other professionals.

The goal of the Professional Real Estate Diploma Program is to give you the applicable skills you need to create a successful career with opportunities in a variety of real estate jobs. To do that, you'll learn to: • Understand the fundamental business concepts and applications for the real estate industry • Apply the core skills required of a real estate industry professional in today's dynamic, global marketplace • Identify and interpret real estate market trends • Appraise and evaluate real property values • Understand and apply the core legal requirements and ethical principles to the real property marketplace • Decide the most profitable approach for creating a real estate investment opportunity •Adapt and innovate to changes in the real estate market.

Grading Continuation in the Marketing Management Program Year 2 In order to be eligible to continue into the second year of the marketing management program a student must have successfully completed all required first year courses or equivalencies. • At the end of first year students failing:, and/or any 3 or more courses not in Marketing, will not be allowed to proceed in the program.

If students wish to re-enter the program they must complete the outstanding courses and re-apply to the program. • At the end of the first year of the program, students having failed one course not in Marketing may continue in the program. Their program option will be held if the failed course is successfully completed at BCIT, 10 days prior to the next term start up. If they are completing the courses at another institution then the students must provide proof of registration for the outstanding course no later than 60 calendar days prior to the term start date.

An official transcript with the final grade must also be submitted before acceptance into the program option is granted. • Students having failed two courses not in Marketing may continue in the program but their program option seat will not be held. If the failed courses are successfully completed at BCIT before term start up, the student can re-apply to their preferred option. If completing the courses at another institution students must provide proof of registration for the outstanding course(s) no later than 60 calendar days prior to the term start date.

An official transcript with the final grade(s) must also be submitted before acceptance into the program option is granted. Students required to reapply for a program option seat in the Marketing Management Program will be competing for a limited number of seats available and are not guaranteed their first option choice.

Accreditation The Professional Real Estate option of the Marketing Management program affords students the opportunity to obtain professional accreditation with both the British Columbia and Canadian professional real estate bodies upon completion of their licensing and industry experience requirements. Upon successful graduation in BCIT's School of Business Professional Real Estate Program, graduates are eligible to write professional licensing examinations in British Columbia, apply for membership in Canadian real estate boards and associations, apply for membership in the Urban Development Institute, the Real Estate Institute, Building and Office Management Association, the Appraisal Institute, and many other pivotal real estate professional organizations. With BCIT's unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical, real-world skills, graduates from the program have built their exciting careers across many fields and across the globe.

Graduates are prepared for employment in residential sales and development, industrial leasing and sales, recreational land, marketing resort properties, and more. Our graduates are currently working in Vietnam, Hawaii, Calgary, Toronto, Atlanta, Kelowna, Dawson Creek, Victoria, and of course, Vancouver, among other places.

Students also have the opportunity to obtain professional accreditation with both the British Columbia and Canadian professional real estate bodies upon completion of their licensing and industry experience requirements. Graduate employment outcomes The BCIT student outcomes reports present summary findings from the annual survey of former students administered by BC Stats one to two years after graduation. These reports combine the last three years of available results for the 2013-2015 BCIT Outcomes Surveys of 2012-2014 graduates and for Degree 2010-2012 graduates. The reports are organized into three-page summaries containing information on graduates' labour market experiences and opinions regarding their education. More detailed information can be accessed at the website. To view these results, you may need to have the installed in your Web browser.

Do you have a degree, diploma, or completed a substantial amount of post-secondary courses? You may qualify for advanced placement into the Marketing Management - Professional Real Estate program. Students that qualify for advanced placement can enter the program in the middle of first year or the beginning of the second year depending on the number of transfer credits received. Acceptance into advanced placement is dependent on a number of factors including: seat availability, course transfer credits, and the number of applications received.

Most applicants are required to complete additional course work before entering their desired program. Early application is strongly recommended. Entry into the middle of Year 1 (January) • Application process opens on February 1st Entry into the start of Year 2 (September) • Application process opens on November 15th When applying for advanced placement, you must submit the with your online application.

For more information about eligibility requirements and the application process, please download the. Graduate Certificate in Business Administration The BCIT is also a viable option for students that have completed a bachelor's degree. This is an eight month full-time program that leads into a number of international MBA programs.

A BCIT Business Consulting Project provides second year Professional Real Estate students the opportunity to work over a 16 week period with an organization to identify a market opportunity and then test it by completing a Business Case and then, if it is profitable, building a Business Strategy to harvest the opportunity. Fully self-directed the students work in a team of two or three to identify potential opportunities, conduct research, and recommend effective solutions. The student-team completes a comprehensive, professional written report and present an oral presentation to the sponsoring organization outlining the student team’s marketing recommendations and solutions.

This is as real-life as it can get for the students, fully testing their BCIT learning to-date as well as that which they are experiencing daily throughout the BCP timeline. Business Consulting Projects are different from traditional co-op and internship programs. Students are not assigned to actual positions, but rather fill a consulting role for businesses and organizations. Each project has a BCIT faculty member that serves as an advisor for the student consulting team.

Exit surveys from participating companies show that the completed strategic business solutions consistently have a value that far surpassed their expectations View a complete list of past students have completed in a wide variety of industries. The core Professional Real Estate Program courses are taught by Bill Phillips and Alfred Marchi, who bring over 70 years of practical experience in the Canadian real estate industry to the classroom every day. Bill, a graduate of BCIT and Queens University, and Alfred, a UBC graduate, create a real-life learning environment that has proven to be one of the most demanding in the BCIT School of Business. Active in the Canadian real estate industry on a daily basis, Bill and Alfred create a challenging learning platform from which each Program graduate can be well-prepared to enter and contribute to this dynamic, demanding multi-billion dollar business field. Advisory committee • Mark Belling, Fifth Avenue Real Estate Marketing • Andrea Camp, Mosaic Homes • Brad Cowden, Wallmark Homes • Stephanie Corcoran, Re/Max Real Estate Services • Michelle Corday, Marco Properties • Stephen Duyvewaardt, SDM Realty Advisors • Robert Fawcett, Real Estate Council of British Columbia • Pat Kelly, The Whistler Real Estate Company Ltd. • Kevin Kurjata, ReMax Dawson Creek • Kirk Kuester, Colliers International • Lisa Bjornson, Royal LePage BlackTusk Realty • Rich Lawson, Pursuit Capital Corporation • Cal Lindberg, Angell Hasman • Rudy Nielsen, NIHO Land & Cattle Company • Cal Ross, Johnston Ross & Cheng Appraisals • Ben Taylor, Wesgroup • Jamie Schreder, Royal LePage Wolstencroft • Daryl Simpson, Bosa Properties • Dave Watt, Royal LePage North Shore • Bruce Weston, Pencor Capital • Hendrik Zessel, Cushman Wakefield. The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the College and Institute Act (RSBC 1996, Ch.52).

BCIT will use this information to communicate with you regarding relevant BCIT programs, courses and services. This information is only used by authorized BCIT staff. Email communication sent to and from BCIT is routed through the United States of America. If you have any questions about BCIT's collection and use of this information, please contact BCIT’s manager of. Programs and courses are subject to change without notice.