How To Install Wmi On Xp

May 30, 2012 The WMI Services applet reads that I could not connect to local computer because Interface Class not registered. See: My Computer->Manage->Services->WMI (Properties).

Hi, WMI Control General reports 'Failed to connect to because of 'WMI: Generic failure'. The same also displayed in services.msc and Service Dependencies attribute. Executing a restore from last backup file does not change a thing. Cambridge Dictionary Serial Key Android. WMI service is running. The WMidiag is too old for Vista (I've not found a Vista version), and is incorrectly reporting missing files. I have not found any means to remedy this, nor reinstalling WMI. Do I have to run OS installation+repair?

How To Install Wmi On Xp

Regards Morten Ross. Hi, If the above steps do not work on your computer, we have to reinstall Windows to solve the problem. Technically, you won’t lose any data to take an In-place Upgrade Installation. In order to avoid any unexpected problem, I suggest you backup your data before taking In-place Upgrade Installation. 1 ) Start the computer by using the current Operating System.

2 ) Insert the Windows Vista DVD in the computer's DVD drive. 3 ) Use one of the following procedures, as appropriate: • If Windows automatically detects the DVD, the Install now screen appears. Click Install now. • If Windows does not automatically detect the DVD, follow these steps: a. Click Start, type (Drive: ) setup.exe in the Start Search box, and then click Enter.

Note: (Drive: ) is the drive letter of the computer's DVD drive. Click Install now. 4 ) When you reach the ' Which type of installation do you want?' Screen, click Upgrade to upgrade the current operating system to Windows Vista. Installing and reinstalling Windows Good Luck! Hello Morten, 1) Start the computer and press F8 on boot up and select Safe Mode.

2) In the start menu type ' cmd' (without quotes) and on the top search result, right click the program icon and choose Run as administrator 3) Type ' net stop winmgmt' (without quotes) and press Enter to make certain the WindowsManagementInstrumentation (WMI) service is not running. 4) Open a Windows Explorer and locate the path to C: windows system32 WBEM folder and rename the Repository folder to something else like RepositoryOLD (right click and choose ' Rename Folder'). 5) Reboot and restart as normal. 6) In the start menu type ' cmd' (without quotes) and on the top search result, right click the icon and choose Run as administrator 7) Type ' net stop winmgmt' (without quotes) and press enter to stop the WMI service.

8) Type ' winmgmt /resetRepository' (without quotes) and restart the computer. Hope it works! Hi, If the above steps do not work on your computer, we have to reinstall Windows to solve the problem.

Technically, you won’t lose any data to take an In-place Upgrade Installation. In order to avoid any unexpected problem, I suggest you backup your data before taking In-place Upgrade Installation. 1 ) Start the computer by using the current Operating System. 2 ) Insert the Windows Vista DVD in the computer's DVD drive. 3 ) Use one of the following procedures, as appropriate: • If Windows automatically detects the DVD, the Install now screen appears.

Click Install now. • If Windows does not automatically detect the DVD, follow these steps: a. Click Start, type (Drive: ) setup.exe in the Start Search box, and then click Enter.

Note: (Drive: ) is the drive letter of the computer's DVD drive. Click Install now. 4 ) When you reach the ' Which type of installation do you want?' Screen, click Upgrade to upgrade the current operating system to Windows Vista. Installing and reinstalling Windows Good Luck!

I ran the script. A number of errors. Generally invalid namespace or missing.mof files. They follow: C: WINDOWS system32 wbem>mofcomp Outlook_01c3d2f4d6781d55.mof Microsoft (R) 32-bit MOF Compiler Version 5.1.2600.2180 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

Parsing MOF file: Outlook_01c3d2f4d6781d55.mof MOF file has been successfully parsed Storing data in the repository. An error occurred while creating object 1 defined on lines 31 - 163: 0X80041002 Class, instance, or property 'Win32_PerfRawData' was not found. Compiler returned error 0x80041001 C: WINDOWS system32 wbem>mofcomp exwmi.mof Microsoft (R) 32-bit MOF Compiler Version 5.1.2600.2180 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp.

All rights reserved. File 'exwmi.mof' not found! C: WINDOWS system32 wbem>mofcomp -n:root cimv2 applications exchange wbemcons.mof Microsoft (R) 32-bit MOF Compiler Version 5.1.2600.2180 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. Manugistics User Manual here. All rights reserved. Parsing MOF file: wbemcons.mof MOF file has been successfully parsed Storing data in the repository. An error occurred while opening the namespace for object 1 defined on lines 3 - 10: Error Number: 0x8004100e, Facility: WMI Description: Invalid namespace Compiler returned error 0x8004100e C: WINDOWS system32 wbem>mofcomp -n:root cimv2 applications exchange smtpcons.mof Microsoft (R) 32-bit MOF Compiler Version 5.1.2600.2180 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

Parsing MOF file: smtpcons.mof MOF file has been successfully parsed Storing data in the repository. An error occurred while opening the namespace for object 1 defined on lines 4 - 16: Error Number: 0x8004100e, Facility: WMI Description: Invalid namespace Compiler returned error 0x8004100e C: WINDOWS system32 wbem>mofcomp exmgmt.mof Microsoft (R) 32-bit MOF Compiler Version 5.1.2600.2180 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. File 'exmgmt.mof' not found! Fixed my problem.System info-Cannot collect information Win XP pro service pack 2 After installing speed up my pc and win tasks pro.system information no longer worked. Uninstalled both programs system info continued to not work.brought up help and support.

Tried MSINFO32.exe from Start Run.still no help. Tried to restore restore point from an earlier known working point. Did not help. Verified that DCOM, event logging, error reporting, Remote procedure call (rpc),and WMI were started and set to automatic.

I noticed that C: WINDOWS PCHealth HelpCtr OfflineCache index.dat was missing. Possibly from a windows cleanup program copied from another XP computer. I eventually got system info to start But could not Collect Information. Copied the above script and ran from command prompt as bat file. Received the errors also of name space and MOF so I think the registering of the DLL's is what solved the problem. Although I did get errors that the WMI files were corrupt and missing it turned out to not be the case. I think I may check for registry errors,clear event log, check that all installed programs are operating, make sure windows and other programs are fully updated, create restore point and see how things go.

This may be an old post that I am replying to but I think others may still find some value in it like I did. Good luck and Happy Computing Supertech1024. WMI script works - BUT some questions remain. 1) You mentioned to stop the wmimgt service at the beginning, but never anything about restarting it. 2) I noticed wmimgmt service RESTARTS ITSELF!

During the middle of all of this - is that okay for it to happen? It didn't seem to interfer, but I kept stopping it anyway 3) You had 'c:' - that effectively does nothing - what you meant is: cd/d c: pause Press any key to continue...

C: WINDOWS system32 wbem>mofcomp exmgmt.mof Microsoft (R) 32-bit MOF Compiler Version 5.2.3790.1830 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. File 'exmgmt.mof' not found!

C: WINDOWS system32 wbem>pause Press any key to continue... C: WINDOWS system32 wbem>echo *** THE END *** *** THE END *** C: WINDOWS system32 wbem>mofcomp -n:root cimv2 applications exchange f Microsoft (R) 32-bit MOF Compiler Version 5.2.3790.1830 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp.

All rights reserved. Parsing MOF file: wbemcons.mof MOF file has been successfully parsed Storing data in the repository. An error occurred while opening the namespace for object 1 defined on lines 3 - 10: Error Number: 0x8004100e, Facility: WMI Description: Invalid namespace Compiler returned error 0x8004100e Thanks again! This worked for me - seemed to correct the WMI corruption. (I will follow up with an updated multi-pause [LOL] script). [updated - multi-pause script - many pauses, in case you want to bail out or stop the wmimgmt service that keeps auto-magically restarting] - also - set 'echo on' - since this is a serious system-level script and we want to see all the 'juice' (opinions may vary on that, but as i had a couple of issues, this helped) echo on REM -------------- REM - wmireset.bat REM -------------- REM echo.

Echo Stopping winmgmt service. Net stop winmgmt echo -->WAIT a bit - MAKE SURE winmgmt stops - it sometimes takes awhile pause cd/d c: cd c: windows system32 wbem echo. Echo Cleaning repository. Rd /S /Q repository echo.

Echo -->Re-registering scecli.dll & userenv.dll echo. Echo *** scecli.dll echo. Regsvr32%systemroot% system32 scecli.dll pause echo ** userenv ** regsvr32%systemroot% system32 userenv.dll pause REM -- MOF (Managed Object Format) compiler echo.

Echo -->MOFcomp - re-compiling / restoring root WMI class definitions for managed objects to the WMI repository echo. Mofcomp cimwin32.mof pause mofcomp cimwin32.mfl pause mofcomp rsop.mof pause mofcomp rsop.mfl pause echo. Echo -->Re-registering related WBEM dll's & re-compiling remaining classes echo. For /f%%s in ('dir /b /s *.dll') do regsvr32 /s%%s pause for /f%%s in ('dir /b *.mof') do mofcomp%%s pause for /f%%s in ('dir /b *.mfl') do mofcomp%%s pause mofcomp exwmi.mof pause mofcomp -n:root cimv2 applications exchange wbemcons.mof pause mofcomp -n:root cimv2 applications exchange smtpcons.mof pause mofcomp exmgmt.mof pause echo *** THE END *** Cheers! Internet Connection Sharing available again. I stumbled across this forum searching for a way to rebuild the wmi files. My issue was that I lost the internet connection sharing options when clicking the advanced tab for my dual ethernet card.

You see, I have a router on the back end of one my computers. That allows me to connect my PS3 and Xbox 360 (and other devices up), all of them sharing the internet connection coming through my Alienware PC. I noticed that my devices wired to the router lost site of the internet. When I checked the advanced tab settings for the connection, windows had lost site of the information (some how over night), thus, no options were made available. Going back in time to another restore point didn't work, and I surely didn't want to try and rebuild windows. The script that was posted did the trick for my machine. I've added this golden egg to my techie note collections.

I surely appreciate you posting that script. Of all of my computer schooling and training, this has to be the best 'fixer-upper' I've found that prevented a major overhaul of my operating system. Thanks a million, Digital9x, aka Christopher Lumberton, NC.