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Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders Iso Download

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders for Xbox. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please. Alternate Cut-Scene In Gerald's ninth mission where you need to defend Hironeiden's castle wall from the enemy, if you defeat the huge onslaught of enemies, you will get an alternate cutscene instead of the standard one where Rupert arrives with reinforcements. Include a Sapper or Pyrotechnic unit and set normal traps near the wall that needs to be defended.

Place one complete line of traps going north and south and in places where enemy units tend to cluster. The traps will ward off enemies long enough for your combined unit of infantry (or knights) and Paladins to destroy all the enemies for the alternate cut-scene. Glitch: Offline XP Exploit In certain stages or missions where your hero may earn 'bonus experience' (indicated by the green 'pop-up' numbers when the requirement is met), you may press START and choose to exit to the world map; although it is not immediately evident, you keep the XP earned from the 'pop-up' value and may replay that same stage to re-earn the bonus again and again. The most easiest way to test this glitch (and get a hang for exploiting it in other campaigns) is Gerald's mission on the Glaucus River. After the successful ambush of the enemy, wait for the green 'pop-up' numbers to vanish and choose to exit to the world map, and retry the stage once more. Elemental Attacks There are several elemental attacks from weapons you can exploit against enemies.

Each race has different vulnerabilities you can view when you play them in the campaign. • Ice attacks fair well against unarmored enemies (orcs, humans) and will freeze them into immobility. • Lightning attacks do well against metal clad enemies and spearmen or axemen. • Poison attacks fair well against Elves (or Vells) and do stack damage. • Curse attacks reduce the defence and offence of the enemy to near zero, but do no damage. • Fire attacks are the best to use in general, since burning enemies cannot attack, and the fire damage can be stacked. When playing Gerald, Lucretia, or Kendal, try to buy an elemental weapon at the first opportunity.

Regnier will not be able to buy any elemental weapons since he can imbue his weapon with fire by expending some SP (hold the B button in battle to toggle this power). Delete Unwanted Skills Many times, you may be tempted to delete skills from your officer or leader. If you want to delete a skill but cannot, simply switch the leader's troop job to any infantry job (all units require melee, so that is one skill you cannot delete) and delete the non-pertinent skills from that leader.

Note that you will not be refunded the XP for deleted skills, so have a back-up save ready for times when your trigger finger slips. Officer Level Glitch Higher level equipment usually yields better resistances, skills, and added effects.

You can exploit the game's method of determining a officer's level by increasing the number of 'pertinent' skills by changing the officer/leader's troop job into a job that has multiple skills. The sum of those skills will determine your leader's level. Once you assign that leader as an officer to your leader's unit, the officer retains his or her level, despite being in an infantry unit (i.e., the units under Gerald, Lucretia, Kendal, or Regnier).

Keep in mind that any high level equipment will be de-equipped if the leader's level suddenly drops because of a troop job change (hence the game message). This hint is more applicable for Kendal and Regnier, as their campaigns allow you to freely assign other troop leaders as personal officers. Mini-Game To unlock the mini-game 'Risky Raiders' beat the game with Regnier. This mini-game is similar to 'Choplifter', whereby you fly a wyvern into a human prison camp to rescue your Orc buddies.

Submitted by DJ To unlock the mini-game 'County Carnival' beat the game with Kendal. This mini-game is an over the shoulder gallery shooter where you pop Orcs and wyverns for points. Submitted by superbabymangirlwomanboy Experience Bonus There is a mission in Gerald's mission (Easy) where you are first learning to set things on fire with archers. It starts off with you and Hugh fighting Regnier head on.

Then Hugh orders you to retreat to protect the king. Run for the king with the your infantry but leave your archers behind and shoot Regnier unit. Just run to the king, dont' head to the highlighted area until Regniers unit is defeated.

Believe it or not, Hugh's 10 level troop can hold its own against Regniers 50th level one with your archers firing into the melee. It takes a while but your archers will kill Regnier's unit and Hugh will be standing around doing nothing. Run those archers back to the king and then proceed with your troops to the retreat point with the king. The experience gain for that single mission should allow you some lee-way in playing around with Gerald's units.

B Boying Dance Steps Free Download. Note: the maximum XP any unit may earn in a mission is still 7000, so whether you kill Regnier or not doesn't matter -- you will only gain 7000 XP from your archers. Shop Around This hint is verified for single player only. During a campaign, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your equipment for your leaders and officers. Usually one or two of the items are of better than average quality, but you will have to look through each person's list (including your force's list) of stuff available. If you see nothing you like, reload your game (hopefully, you saved first before hitting the shop).

Side note: be sure to make a second save as well, since adjusting your leader's skill points will prompt the Xbox to auto-save on the last slot you saved your file -- this way you have a back-up file to go back on. When you reload the game, the items in the shop randomises its items available again, and you may find a damn good weapon to buy and equip if you happen to be lucky.

The sequel to 2001's PC strategy game, Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders features a new 3D engine with an estimated 3,000 polygons devoted to each character populating the fantasy realm. As commander of an army besieged by orcs, players must command their troops to stave off the advancing horde trying to conquer their land. Players can issue commands while their troops fight battles in real-time or directly take part in the action by leading the attacks with their hero character.

Archers, swordsmen, and magic users can be positioned anywhere along the map to take advantage of the terrain (such as height) or to set up ambushes. In addition to the 3D engine, the environments each feature destructible elements and variable weather that may help or hinder an army's movement, including wind, snow, and rain. Day and night cycles are also featured in the game, which further influence the success or failure of a campaign.

Each troop member possesses distinct abilities, which improve over time with each successful battle and campaign. Installer Une Fenetre De Toit Barbacan. Morale is also a factor in battle, and both armor and weapons may be upgraded to enhance the combat or defensive skills of those waging war. Up to 450 soldiers can appear on the screen at once, and players can use a variety of special attacks to help turn the tide of war with their hero. The Crusaders features a total of four races to play as or against, each influencing the storyline by offering different perspectives on each epic battle.