Love Death 2 Uncensor Patch

らぶデス2~Realtime Lovers~ Vague Game Description by White Masq Wow, the translation is pretty tough to return writing for: The hero in this sequel goes by the unfortunate name of 10555, also known as “The Fifth”, and if neither of those go for you, then it’s “Koraru” (or “Coral” >_>;; ). He is now called a “God of Death”. With this many unfortunate namesakes, it appears that his occupation is either transmigrating into people who’ve died a mysterious death, or finding those who’ve died mysteriously and using their spirits for power. In any case, these individuals are called “Sickles” and their abilities are to be collected to improve one’s combat skills. It would appear that his double life of living as a youth named Kurota is beginning to realize the pleasures of life. These pleasures are found in six girls at the school hour hero attends. It might not be happy times for long, for other men (who appear to be Gods of Death themselves) with retarded numbered names are planning their attack.

Q: How do you get her naked? A: You have to get the glasses. Item Map; Q: I seem to have lost two of the touch modes. Now I only have 1 hand?

And soon the girls at school prove to me more than he previously assumed. Okay, I have little clue to what’s going on, but it isn’t going to stop you from playing it (if you haven’t already that is). 'Shut the Hell Up, WM, and Show Me the Keywords': Schoolgirl, Supernatural, 3-D Animated, Magical Girl. After i push startgame it stucks on nowloading nothing happen? Did i do anything wrong? I installed patch 1.07 there's not install exe so i just copied and pasted in game folder.

Love Death 2 Uncensor Patch

Any idea how to fix it i wanna play:D I doubt it's fully locked. The initial loading time of LD2 is EXREMELY long. But you can tell if it hasn't locked by looking at the HDD loading light, which acts like it's some disco strobe during all of the loading.

It took about 5 or 6 minutes for it to load on my 2.8GHz machine. That was enough time for me to listen to 2 songs all the way through! I think it's because of TeaTime needing to cram in so much data that they have to compress it so heavily that it takes this long to uncompress (which is what it's doing, among other things, when it says 'Now Loading'). And I don't have that fast a hard drive. So if you have a drive with really fast access times (like a SATA drive), it probably will only take a minute or 2. About my problem. I'm attempting a FULL uninstall and reinstall of LD2 (which is gonna take several hours) and will do some things differently this time round, like not be an idiot and just overwrite all files with files from the patches, but actually keep backups.

Gta Iv Mod Installer Xbox 360 there. Right, here are the results so far. >Clean install! >>Patched with NoDVD. (supplied in torrent) >>>Patched with v1.07. (supplied in torrent) >>>Run game. >>>'Memory' button available, I think I remember, but I didn't click it.

>>>Start new game, played for a while, made 4 saves. >>>>Replaced memorial.dat with 'full' version. >>>>Run game, click 'Memory', it crashes. >Full uninstall!

>Clean install! >>Patched with v1.03.

(includes English config LoveDeath2.exe) >>Run LoveDeath2.exe (English config version) >>>Crashes before even saying 'TeaTime'. (Just FPS in top-left, on a white background) >>Run????exe (Original program) >>>'Memory' button not even visible. >>>Start new game, make a save. >>>Back to title - 'Memory' button not even visible. >>>Replaced memorial.dat with 'full' version. >>>'Memory' button not even visible. What's up with this?

EDIT: >Reverted to clean install! >>Patched with v1.06 (includes another English config LoveDeath2.exe) >>LoveDeath2.exe still crashes as before >>With????exe, 'Memory' button still not visible. >Reverted to clean install! >>Patched with v1.07 (includes another version of????exe) (NOTE: Bodged the installation of this - many files couldn't be replaced because they were 'in use'.) >>Ran new program >>As I expected, it didn't look right.

It was just a grey box with black boxes where Start, Options and Exit should be. However, they all still worked, and the options window displayed/worked fine. >>Got the main game going, got to the title screen. >>'Memory' was available! Didn't crash when clicked!

(Although of course, no scenes were available). >>>Replaced memory.dat with 'full' version. >>>Ran game. >>>'Memory' was available, didn't crash, and scenes are available! =D So the moral of the story is, if you don't know what you're doing, continue what you're doing, mess it all up, and hope for the best. 2nd edit: But the character animations don't work. This is gonna take a lot of fiddling around with.

Have u tried to change the windows compatibility to 98? Program Tv Minimax Ieri Erai. Oh and what video card do u have!

I tried the game on my geforce5200 and it work great! But my firend seems to have the same problem and he has an mx4400 Thanks for the help, but I've already got it working now anyway. For your info, I have a GeForce FX 6200. For a laugh, I put every setting on the game up to the max quality, and also on my graphics card settings, and I'm pretty sure I've come up with a new 'top' lowest FPS: Hahaha.

So it takes a few days, but when it's done, it's drawn a masterpiece.:D (Actually, that pic's not very good example of the quality, just it's the one with the lowest FPS.) Yep it's all okay now. The problem stopping me from replacing all the files with the ones in the v1.07 patch was the same problem which was stopping LoveDeath2 from accessing the animations files. Seems something internal in Windows that hadn't closed them after using them (maybe as I kept on renaming, copying, moving them and running the game). A swift computer-restart and it's all up and running.