Patch Chrono Trigger Ds Walkthrough

Chrono Trigger DS Walkthrough X. The Denadoro Mountains Items to Find 300 Gold (x2), Athenian Water (x2), Ether, 500 Gold, Mirage Hand, Golden Helm, Mid-Ether (x4), Mid-Potion (x2), 600 Gold, Shelter, Broken Masamune Blade, Silver Stud, Silver Earring, Hero's Badge, Broken Masamune Hilt. Enemies Ogan, Bellbird, Freelancer, Edible Frog, Fangtooth, Masa (boss), Mune (boss), Masa & Mune (boss). From the entrance to the mountains, head north and engage this initial party of Ogans and Bellbirds in battle.

Bellbirds should be killed in one hit, so as to avoid their pesky confusion-inducing counterattack. Latest Merriam-webster`s Collegiate Dictionary 11th Edition Kindle Edition Download 2016 - Free Download Reviews 2016 there. Ogans, on the other hand, are extremely weak, both defensively and offensively, unless they have a gigantic mallet in their hands. If they do, their strength increases exponentially, and they become both a dangerous offensive threat and a sturdy example of defensive perfection. This is easy to avoid, however. Simply stick Lucca in your party and have her attack any given mallet-wielding Ogan with a fiery spell.

Patch Chrono Trigger Ds Walkthrough

May 26, 2017 Find all our Chrono Trigger Cheats for Nintendo DS. Game Guides; Game. The finished game was intended to be released as a patch file in the IPS.

Doing so will disintegrate their hammer, again making them easy targets for slaying. Without her in your party, this place becomes a lot more difficult than it has to be, so save yourself the annoyance and stick her in your party. After defeating the initial enemy party and grabbing the 300 Gold from the partially-obscured treasure chest on your left, you can head north, where you'll have a choice of either going northward via a pass on your right or via a ladder on your left. After defeating the mallet-wielding Ogan, opt to take the path on the right first.

Doing so will lead to a dead end, but a treasure chest mostly-hidden in the trees on the left side of the path contains a Mirage Hand, a new weapon you should equip on Robo immediately. Head back to the previous area and take the ladder on the left. Head into this area and fight the Freelancer and mallet-holding Ogan, and then go southward. This will lead to a cliff overlooking a previous area, but you'll be able to find Athenian Water in the treasure chest there. After grabbing it and adding it to your inventory, proceed back to the previous area and head north over the bridge, procuring the Ether in a chest on your left as you go.

Once over the bridge, continue up the ladder to your left, defeat the strong-and-weak Ogan combo that attacks you, and grab the 500 Gold from the treasure chest they were guarding. Head east over another bridge from here, and follow the zig-zagging, yet completely linear pathway as it goes eastward. Fight a lone Ogan and continue northward up a path on the east side of the screen, which will ultimately lead you to an adjacent area to the east. This shadowy pathway will initially lead rightward before branching to the north at two different locations. Bear northward at the first chance you get. Fight off the Freelancers and grab the Mid-Ether from the treasure chest. Then, proceed back to the east-leading pathway and go north at the next location, but not before grabbing the Athenian Water from the treasure chest.

After climbing up the rope ladder, grab the Golden Helm from the treasure chest, and immediately equip it on Crono for a considerable defensive boost. Head up to the top of this area and head westward. Before going west into the next area, be sure to go south and explore the dead end there, where a Mid-Potion can be acquired. In the next area, quickly run northward, dodging the ninja stars as they're hurled by an angry Freelancer across the chasm.

Don't hesitate to stop and grab the Mid-Ether from the treasure chest as you dodge, however. After bearing eastward and permanently away from the ninja star threat, you'll be attacked by subsequent parties of aggressive Freelancers in more traditional combat.

Defeat both parties as you head northward, and don't miss the treasure chest on the right containing 600 Gold as you go. Then, head westward and emerge from the shadows cast by the trees in the next area. One fight will lead into the next here automatically, until you've fought four or five battles against Ogans and Freelancers alike. Before heading westward into the next area after such a brutal fray, you may want to heal your party. Grab the 300 Gold booty from the treasure chest to your left, and then head upward. Be extremely careful here that you don't get sucked into the gentle drift of the water moving towards the waterfall. Falling down those waterfalls will force you to traverse the path up the mountain again, and that'd be a long and extremely annoying affair.

Instead, head to the north, grabbing the Mid-Potion from the chest. As you get back on dry land to the west, pass by the clueless ninja star-chucking Freelancer and grab the Mid-Ether from the treasure chest nearby.

Then, head west into the adjoining area. We're almost home free.

Head westward across the wooden bridge after fighting a trio of weak Bellbirds. The creature on the other side of the bridge will talk to you as if it was nothing, allowing you to go southward, back into a wooded area. Here, consider using a Shelter at the save point, and save your game. Then, proceed southward, grabbing the Mid-Ether from the treasure chest before going to the east.

Quickly dodge another Freelancer's projectiles as you run to the south. Here, the Freelancer and his posse of mallet-wielding Ogans will confront you in a substantial battle when you try to climb the ladder. Defeat this party, grabbing the Shelter from a nearby treasure chest, and then go north into the cave you encounter. You'll run into twin boys named Masa and Mune, who guard the sacred sword, their namesake. And just like that, these two characters battle you. Masa and Mune will fight you in two separate battles. That is to say, Masa and Mune will fight as individuals against your party in the first fight, and then join together as one for the second fight.

Strangely, the first fight is the more difficult one, since not only do you have to deal with two characters, but you have to deal with the fact that, no matter how you attack these foes, they'll counterattack each and every time. Dump healing items and healing spells into staying alive here -- there simply no way around the constant counterattacking. However, when you've dealt enough damage to them collectively (just focus on one or the other, as they take damage together even when they fight as one), they'll come together to form a common foe known as Masa & Mune. This monster represents a difficult fight indeed, but not one that is insurmountable. His regular attacks are easy enough to brush off with a Potion, Mid-Potion or healing spell. It's when he unleashes his special attack that strikes everyone in the party for critical, 100-200 HP of damage each that things start to become unraveled a bit.

Considerable time should be spent in healing after this attack is unleashed before resuming your attack on Masa & Mune. After the fight, you can examine the sword and make off with the Broken Masamune Blade. Masa and Mune will even help you leave the mountains automatically.

If you'd like to procure a Silver Stud and a Silver Earring, however, read on. Both of these accessories are extremely useful (the stud raises HP by 25%, while the Earring halves MP use on spells), so it's worth the trouble. Do you remember the waterfalls we earlier told you to avoid? Well, now you'll want to return to them and fall down the waterfall, making sure to bear leftward down a side waterfall so that you fall atop a cliff to your left. Open the chest there to find the Stud, and then follow the pathway around and in the water, grabbing the Earring as you go. Back on the world map, you'll want to head south, back to Porre.

Use the inn to heal your tired characters, and then head to Tata's House, at the southern end of the village. Here, talk to young Tata and he'll hand over the Hero's Badge, which he admits he found. Well, what to do from here is obvious.

Head westward, back to the Cursed Woods, and re-traverse the linear pathway there. Reenter Frog's subterranean hideout and speak with him. When you speak to Frog, he'll recognize his badge that you got from Tata, but still declines the ability to wield Masamune. Remember that treasure chest he was blocking before? Open it to reveal the Broken Masamune Hilt.

It's with this that we will ultimately forge again the mystical Masamune.

When confronting Magus for a second time in the Antiquity (12,000 B.C.) you will be offered a choice to fight him or to refuse his challenge. If you refuse, Magus will end the conversation shortly afterwords and he will join you as you begin to walk away. If you accept, you will be given a chance to slay Magus and end him permanently if you can win.

Magus will then speak of how Glenn's (frog dude) curse will be undone and then he will explode into a bunch of sparkly things and you will get schala's amulet. I would highly recommend allowing Magus to join you because he is powerful and he will have schala's amulet anyways so you will still get it.

The only difference is a slight ending change. By the way, Glenn will stay a frog for the remainder of the game until the ending as he does normally. Complete the indicated task during the game to unlock the corresponding alternate ending. Unlock 'Reunion' Ending: Deafeat Lavos while Crono is dead.

Unlock 'Beyond Time' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after reviving Crono at Death Peak. Unlock 'Dino Age' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after facing Magus, but before facing Azala. Unlock 'The Dream Project': Deafeat Lavos in the Oceab Palace or immediately upon starting a New Game+. Unlock 'The Oath' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after giving the Masamune to Frog but before fighting Magus. Unlock 'What The Prophet Seeks' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after facing Azala, but before Schala opens the sealed door. Unlock 'The successor of Guardia' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after saving Leene and Marle, but before visiting the End of Time. Unlock 'Good Night' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after visiting the End of Time, but before returning to the Middle ages.

Unlock 'The Legendary Hero' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after arriving in the middle ages, but before obtaining the Hero's Badge. Unlock 'The Unknown Past' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after obtaining the Hero's Badge, but before the Gate key is stolen. Unlock 'People Of The times' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after regaining the gate jey, but before giving the Masamune to Frog. Unlock 'Memory Lane' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after Schala opens the sealed door, but before restoring the light to the pendant. Unlock 'Dream's Epilogue' Ending: Defeat the Dream Devourer beyond Time's Eclipse.

If any of you are having trouble changing your smidge or monster into a different form, then raise it's trust. I had a lancer (yellow skeleton with a spear) that I totally hated so I never fought with it. I would give it a feral claw and send it away on a training expedition, wait ten minutes, and then pick it back up in hopes of a class change.

Unfortunately, it never seemed to work. My monsters trust demoted to zero because they lose trust if you give them a feral claw and I could not get him to change.

12 times I did this until I finally thought to maybe raise it's trust by fighting with it. I brought his trust up to 33 and sent him away with a feral claw and he came back as a Magasaur (giant beige-yellow dinosaur that gets stunned from electricity).

I learned a bit about monsters in this game recently and I found out some more information having to do with class changes. Ok, so a monster changes class randomly after returning from training. Most of you should know this by now. Depending on the era and affinity (fire,water,light,etc).

A feral claw boosts the chances of the monster changing while out. When a monster reaches the final stage, tier 6 will be unlocked and the affinity of the monster will no longer exist.

A monster can also demote classes or change into a new affinity. When confronting Magus for a second time in the Antiquity (12,000 B.C.) you will be offered a choice to fight him or to refuse his challenge. If you refuse, Magus will end the conversation shortly afterwords and he will join you as you begin to walk away. If you accept, you will be given a chance to slay Magus and end him permanently if you can win. Magus will then speak of how Glenn's (frog dude) curse will be undone and then he will explode into a bunch of sparkly things and you will get schala's amulet. I would highly recommend allowing Magus to join you because he is powerful and he will have schala's amulet anyways so you will still get it.

The only difference is a slight ending change. By the way, Glenn will stay a frog for the remainder of the game until the ending as he does normally. If any of you are having trouble changing your smidge or monster into a different form, then raise it's trust. I had a lancer (yellow skeleton with a spear) that I totally hated so I never fought with it. I would give it a feral claw and send it away on a training expedition, wait ten minutes, and then pick it back up in hopes of a class change. Unfortunately, it never seemed to work.

My monsters trust demoted to zero because they lose trust if you give them a feral claw and I could not get him to change. 12 times I did this until I finally thought to maybe raise it's trust by fighting with it.

I brought his trust up to 33 and sent him away with a feral claw and he came back as a Magasaur (giant beige-yellow dinosaur that gets stunned from electricity). I learned a bit about monsters in this game recently and I found out some more information having to do with class changes. Ok, so a monster changes class randomly after returning from training. Most of you should know this by now. Depending on the era and affinity (fire,water,light,etc).

A feral claw boosts the chances of the monster changing while out. When a monster reaches the final stage, tier 6 will be unlocked and the affinity of the monster will no longer exist. A monster can also demote classes or change into a new affinity. Complete the indicated task during the game to unlock the corresponding alternate ending. Unlock 'Reunion' Ending: Deafeat Lavos while Crono is dead.

Unlock 'Beyond Time' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after reviving Crono at Death Peak. Unlock 'Dino Age' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after facing Magus, but before facing Azala.

Unlock 'The Dream Project': Deafeat Lavos in the Oceab Palace or immediately upon starting a New Game+. Change Imei Iphone 4S Download. Unlock 'The Oath' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after giving the Masamune to Frog but before fighting Magus. Unlock 'What The Prophet Seeks' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after facing Azala, but before Schala opens the sealed door. Unlock 'The successor of Guardia' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after saving Leene and Marle, but before visiting the End of Time. Unlock 'Good Night' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after visiting the End of Time, but before returning to the Middle ages.

Unlock 'The Legendary Hero' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after arriving in the middle ages, but before obtaining the Hero's Badge. Unlock 'The Unknown Past' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after obtaining the Hero's Badge, but before the Gate key is stolen. Unlock 'People Of The times' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after regaining the gate jey, but before giving the Masamune to Frog.

Unlock 'Memory Lane' Ending: Deafeat Lavos after Schala opens the sealed door, but before restoring the light to the pendant. Unlock 'Dream's Epilogue' Ending: Defeat the Dream Devourer beyond Time's Eclipse.