Wilco Airbus A380 V2 Serial Number
With new technologies, improved features and specific FSX missions, Wilco Publishing brings the Airbus A380 to Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The DOWNLOAD version is for FSX only.
The CD-Rom version is compatible with Flight Simulator X and 2004. The features list on this page concerns the FSX version. English and French manuals included.

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File size: 92Mb. Known as the world’s only TWIN-DECK airliner, the A380 is the most ADVANCED, SPACIOUS and EFFICIENT airliner ever conceived! Missions description (for FSX) TOULOUSE - April 27, 2005. The newly constructed A380 is rolled out of its hangar for its maiden test flight. Airport and Airbus staff have joined government officials and members of the public to see the flight off.
As Official Test Pilot, you will embark your A380 for a 60 minutes Maiden Flight. After a (hopefully) successful take-off from Toulouse Blagnac, you will be asked to execute a smooth touch-and-go in Spain, over majestic Pyrenees mountains and 'hollywood-type' cinematics sequences. During the flight, ground engineers will ask you to perform in-flight tests over beautiful landscapes and the Atlantic ocean. Karz Hindi Film Mp3 Song Download. Then, you will be directed to the factory home base so that the test sensor data can be offloaded. This Flight Simulator X mission, supplied in different complexity levels, allow beginner and expert pilots alike to train through a step-by-step tutorial, from cold and dark cockpit to full kiss landing.
The missions feature English voices and subtitles displayed in English, German or French. Aircraft Features (for FSX) • Highly detailed replica of the Airbus A380 • Flight Simulator X only: Jetways connection animations. • NEW: Three realism levels available: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner users won't have to read tons of documentation to fly, intermediate users will have more realism while enjoying some FS 'shortcuts', while expert users will have to follow actual procedures. • Flight Simulator X Viewpoints: Gear, Wing, Cabin. • 3DSMax exterior/interior models with high resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting. • Numerous international liveries: Airbus livery - Air France - British Airways - China Southern Airlines - Emirates - Etihad Airways - Korean Air Lines - Lufthansa - Qantas Airways - Singapore Airlines - Virgin Atlantic Airways.
• Outstanding 3D Cabin: luxury First Class, economy class, sleeper cabins. • Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology. • Real simulation from complete Cold & Dark cockpit to full auto landing • Numerous sound effects • Numerous animations: hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, passengers door, cargo hatches.
• Frame-rate friendly. • Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own airline and share them on the net (Photoshop required). Panel Features (for FSX) • Glass cockpit with advanced digital avionics, CAT II and III landing certification. • 2D panel with multiple subpanels: overhead, pedestal. • Interactive 3D Virtual Cockpit - Exactly as the real aircraft! • Traffic and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) • Ability to save your flights including ALL FMC programmed parameters • Day and night lighting. • Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat from the Virtual Cockpit.
• Hotspots on the panel to ease access to 2D panels. • Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use. • Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics. EFIS Features (for FSX) • All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available • All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
Advanced Configuration Module (for FSX) • Integrated module accessible through the Flight Simulator pull-down menu • Available features: User Experience: allows the user to select the realism level of the systems Systems Features (for FSX) • Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and caution messages. • Radio Management panel. • Realistic auto-brake system. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FSX Version) How to enter waypoints in the MCDU. For a complete description, please refer to developer's How to install the FSX upgrade from FS2004? 1 - Install A380 (FS2004 version) in FSX.
2 - Install A380v2 (FSX version) in FSX. 3 - Uninstall via Windows uninstall A380 (FS2004 version). 4 - Run FSX and enjoy A380v2! How to install and setup an add-on under Windows 7 / VISTA (32/64bits OS)? First, install the add-on using Full Administrator Rights. Then, go into program files microsoft games Highlight Flight Simulator X folder and right-click on it Select the SECURITY tab Click on your username (not on Administrator 1) Click on the 'edit' option (it should have a pic of a shield on the button with edit next to it) Then you should be prompted by Vista security module, click on 'ALLOW' Then tick the 'Full Control' box and press 'OK' Installation of our add-ons can now start. We do not support the use of our FS2004 add-ons under Windows Vista/7 (although they may work).
Make sure to run the installation of the add-on and of Flight Simulator with full Administrator rights by right-clicking on the application file and selecting the 'As Administrator' feature. At the first add-on installation, make sure to accept the DLL Warning after the aircraft selection. We don't support the use of our add-ons under Windows XP64 and Vista 64. Using a 64bits Operating Systems, the installer can't find the Flight Simulator folder. Your Flight Simulator is probably located into a folder called 'Programsx86' which is probably not what the installer is looking for.
During the installation process, simply browse the installer to this folder. Once done, be sure to follow the Windows 7/Vista procedure as explained above on this page. How to update the NavData with A380v2 (FSX)? Use the feelThere Database (the same as for Airbus Series, 777, 737 Pilot in Command.) and copy the ND file into the Wilco NavDB directory of your Flight Simulator main directory.
The file must be copied from Feelthere Nd into the Wilco navDB folder. Wilco Fleet: A380 v1.4 UPGRADE (FS2004 - 19 Mb) ==>We recommend you to install this upgrade if the file you have got is called 'WilcoFleetA380_10.exe', 'WilcoFleetA380_11.exe', 'W ilcoFleetA380_12.exe' or 'WilcoFleetA380_13.exe': FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ( FS2004 Version) I load the airplane and the displays are dark no matter what I do? Please either middle mouseclick the displays or use the mouse wheel to set the display brightness. It is possible that luminosity changes will only take effect on the displays when you cycle the displaying of the screens off and then on using Shift-1.
In addition, make sure the 2D panel is not in zoomed mode. The EFIS are optimized to draw only once, so if the zoom view is active, the EFIS are not drawn in the VC. Under FSX, impossible to get a Cold & Dark situation because of the parking brakes. Select another aircraft. Set the brakes ON and save the situation as the default one. Re-launch FSX and each time you will select Airbus Series, it will be saved in the Cold & Dark configuration.
When I import a FS flight plan with the IMPORT FS FPL feature, it says NO FS PLAN LOADED. How do I access my imported flight plan then? Make sure that the default file called 'gps_export.dll' is located into your Flight Simulator/Modules subdirectory. If not, download it from and save it under your Flight Simulator Modules sub-directory.
I'm unable to load runways using the FMC. How do you select a runway for landing? You must select the arrival airport, then select the runway. SID and STAR are not simulated.
How can I enter a flight plan as there are no activate/execute functions on the FMS? Load your flight plan into the Flight Simulator Flight Planner and it will load automatically. You can also enter your flight plan manually. Din 6930 M Pdf Download here.
When I use a flight plan, the autopilot does not follow the route correctly. The FD must be active and on the autopilot panel, the HDG panel must display three dashes and a dot « --.
To be sure the HDG is in managed mode, make sure the route is drawn with a full line (not dashed) on the Navigation Display (ND). I don't have the NAV autopilot mode on my PFD, and I can't select the desired runway on the MCDU.
Runways information in the MCDU (FMGC) are given for information purpose only (ILS frequencies) and are not linked to the flight plan. How Can I open the cargo bay?
Press SHIFT+E+2 How can I remove a flight from the MCDU? The existing flight plan is erased as soon as you enter new departure and arrival airports with a new flight plan.
How can I delete a wrong waypoint into the MCDU? Removing a waypoint from the flight plan is not possible. You will have to create a new flight plan.
For Airac database update, you can use the files from 'Feelthere CRJ' distributed by NaviGraph but you have to rename some of them on order to work with the A380: - Arpt.dat =>Airport.dat - Index.ftd =>NavData.idx - Int.ftd =>Waypoints.dat - Navaid.ftd =>Navaids.dat - Rwy.ftd =>Runways.dat Procs.ftd is not used in the Wilco Fleet: A380. The Airport button on the MCDU doesn't work. How can I get airport information? If you want to display information about an airport, press the DATA button and enter an airport ICAO code.
The airport page appears, with a LSK allowing you to get the runway and localizer information. The aircraft keeps bouncing on the ground when switching views. This problem is due to Flight Simulator itself. When fuel is reaching less than 50% of the fuel capacity, the aircraft is very ‘touchy’ on the ground. I can't set the transponder manually.
That makes this aircraft useless on VATSIM and IVAO. Of course you can. Popup the MCDU and display the RAD NAV page. Enter the transponder code through the MCDU keyboard, and press the RSK4 labelled XPDR.
Serial Search Tips When searching for Wilco Airbus A380 V2 Serial do not include words such as serial, number, key, license, code, etc. Excluding words such as these will result in much more accurate results. Recheck your spelling for Wilco Airbus A380 V2 Serial just in case, you might also want to try searching without the version number. If you still are having trouble finding Wilco Airbus A380 V2 Serial have a look at the high speed results above, they are completley free and you will most likley find what you are looking for there.