Cracking Upper Back While Pregnant

Best Answer: •Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy for Back Pain - Chiropractic care can help pregnant women relieve their back pain. With the added pressure on the pelvic girdle the hips can become misaligned. This pelvic torsion is one big cause of back pain and chiropractors will work to gently align the bones back into the proper place. Even just a monthly adjustment can do wonders for relieving back pain, in addition to a host of other benefits like good fetal positioning and more efficient labors. •Massage During Pregnancy - Sometimes back pain is caused by excess muscular tension, especially pain between the shoulders or along the spine.

Prenatal massage therapy is a great way to relieve tight muscles and decrease back pain. Many massage therapists take continuing education to specialize in prenatal massage, but any massage therapist can work on a healthy pregnant woman. Some women feel more comfortable waiting until after the first trimester is over before going in for a massage but, unless your care provider says otherwise, there are no contraindications to massage therapy for most pregnant wome. Good luck with popping your back! Im 32 weeks, and yesterday at my baby shower, someone asked me what I was looking forward to most about being a mom. My response, 'Getting this kid out so I can pop my back and stretch to my toes.' My husband insists that I couldnt touch my toes even before I got pregnant, but I will be giving a swift try as soon as I deliver!

Cracking Upper Back While Pregnant

I have tried SEVERAL times to pop my back, and I cant get it to pop. I know I would have instant relief if I could just pop it. I have tried sitting on the chair too, and twisting around grabbing the back of it (the way we used to do to pop it) and that doesnt work anymore bc my stomach doesnt allow me to twist far enough. If you can pop your back, more power to you, Im sure it will feel great.

Morning abdominal pain - Abdominal Pain - IBS Self Help and Support Group Forums. AMHi John and all,I came across your forum this morning. May 10, 2009 •Massage During Pregnancy - Sometimes back pain is caused by excess muscular tension, especially pain between the shoulders or along the spine. Prenatal massage therapy is a great way to relieve tight.

The fact is there IS a way to end your back pain – forever – and you can do it without expensive drugs, without harmful treatments or surgery, and without having to live a life filled with pain. Check out this site For decades, big pharma has done everything it can to keep the truth from you. Sure, your medications, massages and gadgets and gizmos help you reduce your daily symptoms.

But, they do NOTHING to get to the root of your problems. And, yes, for the most part, your treatments probably do allow you to “maintain” the status quo – keeping you from getting worse, but they’re not really doing anything to help you get any better. I'm in the same boat.

Ar Rahman Tamil Collection Free Download. I see a chiropractor though they are AMAZING!! It's only 35$ for an adjustment (depending where you are) I only go if i absaloutly HAVE to. I've only gone twice.

Cause I have previously injured my back at work 3 years ago But oh god I swear it feels SOOOO good after. The relief of pressure is just amazing Or. Get your hubby.

Or friend or mother or someone close to you to give you a pregnancy massage! They are soooo nice too You can check online and see vids and stuff how to do it properly. Or jsut get them to do it however they can. Feels good I hope you can get some relief soon!!

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Hi M., My story is much like Jessica's. I didn't have chiropractic during my first pregnancy but did during my second.

Not only did I do better during my second but my second child is healthier. Chiropracitc care is about KEEPING the spinal alignment the way God intended it. If you had a short in an electrical panel you would fix it because it would be dangerous to use without repairing it. You body is the same way. The spinal column is the arm of the control center, the brain.

It has to be in perfect alignment for everything to work properly.If a chiropractor cannot explain how the spinal alignment helps with the immune system then you need to look for another one. Talk to your FIL and ask him why he thinks it's a good idea and see what he says. I bet he'll tell you the same thing I did. Please don't be fearful. Chiropractic care is my first line of defense for the immune system to work right. I was able to dodge tubes for my daughter's ear infections, we've been able to control my diabetic husband's blood sugar without medication, my childhood condition that I thought I would have to live with the rest of my life is gone and we all just feel great.

Good health is priceless! My chiropractor is actually pregnant right now with her second child and her 2 year old has never been sick. I know because my teenage girls babysit her. There's a testimony there! God bless and congratulations on the little one! Chiropracitc is not about 'cracking' anything.

I am surprised that you have a FIL that is a chiropractor and you do not understand what chiropractic even is. I was adjusted the entire time I was pregnant with both my daughters and they were both justed within a few days of being born.

Infact we stopped at the chiropractor to have my youngest adjusted before we even brought her home, would have with the other one too but we came home on a Sunday. She was in there monday morning. The 'cracking' you hear when being adjusted is only the release of gases just like when you pop your fingers or toes. Some people think if her don't hear a pop you are not moving anything. Not true at all, just as the same when you 'pop' or 'crack' your own neck that is the same as what a chiropractor does. Chiropractors are educated to know more about your body then most MDs do, because they deal with the nervous system and that affects everything else in your body.

Your body is under a lot of stress while you are pregnant and stress causeds interference in the central nerve system. Weather the stress be physical, emotional, even environmental (which can all be from being pregnant).

The body (every part of the body) is controlled by the brain and spinal cord. When there is interference on the spinal cord through a mislignment of the spine then your body will not function at 100%.

If you want to have the healthiest baby possible, your body needs to function the best it possibly can. I would take your FILs advice. If not for your own personal comfort for the health of your baby. Let him explain how your body works and why chiropractic is a good idea for everyone. Maybe you'll understand and change your outlook on being cracked. By the way, I was not adjusted my first pregancy and was sick most of it, had terrible back pain, headaches, etc. A super long labor and hard delivery.

With the 2 I was under chiropractic care, I didn't have any morning sickness, felt fantastic my entire pregnancy, and delivered my middle child within 4 hours, no pain medication, and my youngest daughter I barely made it to the hospital with before she was born but didn't even feel I was in labor, I thought she had just dropped really far because sitting was uncomfortable. She was born within less then 2 hours of my first symptom of labor. Hope this helps:). I had adjustments through some of my pregnancies. They helped when I had some pain, but like you I never liked the thought of it either. It is not a danger to the baby, but if you try it and just still don't like it, then just tell him that you aren't comfortable and it is nothing against him personally.

After my pregnancies I had a much more relaxing time seeing the chiropractor and it helped for the upper back stress I took on holding babies so much! But go with what you are comfortable, if you cannot relax, then I can't see much benefit there. You can't force someone to relax. Take care & congratulations on your baby D. Many women would consider themselves extremely lucky to have a father-in-law as a chiropractor.

I had regular chiropractic care during all three of my pregnancies and afterward and it really helped my body. It eased the discomfort during your labor and delivery, and 2. Relieved hip and back pain due to the weight and strains of pregnancy. By the way, the 'cracking' you hear isn't actually bones. You should ask him to explain to you exactly what that is.

That might make you feel less apprehensive. Chiropractic doesn't hurt the baby. It is very common to have chiropractic care during pregnancy.

Have you shared your feelings with him? Would be a good idea to let him know. Dear M., I personally couldn't have made it through my pregnancies without seeing a chiropractor. I have a small frame and got so our of whack with the weight of my babies that I was in agony. With my first pregnancy, I was concerned about harming my baby and put it off until my hips were rotated to the point that I couldn't even walk.

I was in agony and finally went out of desperation. The adjustments were painless and I felt 100 times better. I wished I hadn't waited so long. With my second baby, I went at the first tell-tale signs that I was out of alignment. My second chiro was very gentle and like a ray of sunshine.

He was always smiling and happy and took such good care of me. He even came to see me in the hospital. I don't think there is any worry that chiropractic will harm your baby unless you are at special risk and your doctor advises against it. But, if you aren't comfortable doing it and you don't feel it's necessary, then don't do it. Not all women necessarily need to be adjusted during their pregnancies and if you're lucky enough to get by without it, good for you.

It's your decision. Hi, I have been going to a chiropractor for a few years. I didn't go with my first pregnancy and ended up having to go to a phyical therapist.

I never had problems before my pregnancy. I started seeing a chiropractor after that and took my young daughter. He was the only one that could help her with an issue.

Anyway, I didn't take any chances with baby #2. Had a great and easy pregnancy. Chiropractors take different precautions when you are pregnant, so just let your doctor know. If you don't feel comfortable with your current one try someone new. I have been to a few and some I like and some I did not. But it helped me.

Good luck wit it and your pregnancy. Congratulations on your birth! This is a good question.

I think if you are not used to seeing a chiropractor you should skip it. A hormone called relaxin is released in the body when you are pregnant and it literally relaxes your joints, preparing your pelvis and hips for birth. Because of this hormone many pregnant women have joint pain issues including back pain. I always advise women to shorten their strides when the exercise and not to start new exercises they didn't already do before their pregnancy. I'd say chiropractic work falls under this category.

Have you hired a doula in the past? Have you thought about hiring a doula for this birth? I am a Doula trained in the Dolphin Method by Dolphin Yoga and Doula. I serve women on the Peninsula, in SF, and the East Bay. I provide emotional support, physical comfort, and facilitate communication between the medical staff and the laboring woman.

In addition I offer three pre visits to evaluate what tools and techniques would best offer you comfort and to build a trusting relationship. Following the birth I am available to answer questions about the birth or your baby and would like to get together with you within one or two weeks to see how you are doing, to review the birth, to admire your baby, and to get feedback from you about my role. Since I am a new doula I charge less and offer payment plans as well. I hope to hear from you and if you know anyone who could benefit from my services please give them my information! Have you ever had your father-in-law do an adjustment on you?

I am a firm believer in the positive aspects of chiropractic care, but have seen some chiropractors that I would not recommend. Most use a gentle approach that is not the 'cracking the back' type of thing that you seem to see as chiropractic care.

Yes, they do adjust the spine and it does make a cracking sound at times, but if you think about it, you may stretch and get that same cracking sound all by yourself. Having said that, my suggestion is that you be totally honest with your father-in-law about your fears, then ask if you could come to his office and maybe observe how he treats patients. I would imagine that you could do this when another family member is being treated so it wouldn't be a privacy issue. Maybe even agree to try an adjustment once with the stipulation that if you aren't comfortable after that, he will not pressure you to continue having more adjustments. Also have him bring you literature about what chiropractic care is and how it helps your body.

Some chiropracors even have good videos that you could watch. I agree with the person who said don't let him pressure you into something you are not comfortable doing. But do get as much information as you can and consider trying his chiropractic care before you dismiss it totally. As some others have said, it does really help. I wasn't under such care during any of my pregnancies, but have since that time found the care to be very helpful to my overall well-being. We have one grandson who has been adjusted as a newborn. At about a week of age, and has had a few adjustments since that time, and he is very healthy.

As far as the possibility of an adjustment endangering your unborn baby, most doctors will tell you that your body has put so much protection around that baby that there isn't much that could harm the child. There is nothing in a chiropractic adjustment that would have a negative effect. The released stress on your own body should have a very positive effect on the development of your baby. I love my chiro, Adrienne Volpert in Elk Grove, I saw her through both of my pregnancies especially when my hands and feet were going numb.

But I agree you have to be comfortable with your chiro or you just aren't going to relax enough to get adjusted. They do have special tables for pregnant women so be sure to get adjusted on one of those. Mio Transfer Hack C250 Plus Download. And after you give birth think about getting adjusted. My neck was constantly getting a crick due to staring at my baby while nursing and falling asleep holding him. Dr Volpert adjusted the table to accomadate my large milk filled breasts so it wasn't painful to be on.

Oh man, it was the best thing I did for my own self care during pregnancy. That and prenatal massage and yoga.

I've only had one pregnancy, and I trusted Dr. Alan Zarembski to adjust me. He has a machine that gently taps while you are sitting in a semi-supine position. He does not actively 'pull' or push on you when you are pregnant. The tapping thing goes along your spine and gently taps your muscles to loosen them and relax the nerves that tighten and pull on your spine and upper shoulders during pregnancy. Getting a true prenatal massage right before or after is amazing.

I highly recommend seeking someone certified in prenatal massage, because you have to lay on your side and there are certain things they cannot do, but you can still get your legs/arms neck worked on. Congrats on your 3rd baby coming!!! Hi, I fully understand your concerns. There are many chiropractors I would not see, pregnant or not.

Having said that, I saw a chiropractor during my (one and only) pregnancy. I had severe back pain, and it really helped. I do not like the 'snap-crackle-and-pop' chiropractors. Sounds like you don't either. There are some chiropractors who work with the muscles first, so that the adjustment happens with ease. There is also a wonderful osteopath I can recommend (an M.D. With additional 500 hours learning in the musculo-skeletal system).

If you want particular recommendations, let me know. Of course, you might have some interesting interactions if you choose a chiropractor other than your father-in-law.;) good luck!