Drivers Sangha Lvt 0027

Drivers Sangha Lvt 0027

Publication number US7 A1 Publication type Application Application number US 11/120,388 Publication date Jul 13, 2006 Filing date May 2, 2005 Priority date Jan 10, 2005 Also published as,,,, Publication number 11120388, 120388, US 20 A1, US 2006/152267 A1, US 7 A1, US 7A1, US A1, US A1, US-A1-7, US-A1-, US20A1, US2006/152267A1, US7 A1, US7A1, US A1, USA1 Inventors Original Assignee Export Citation,, (9), (13), (4), (3) External Links:. A multi-threshold flip-flop includes a master latch, a slave latch, and at least one control switch. The master latch is composed of an input buffer formed with low threshold (LVT) transistors and a first latch circuit formed with LVT transistors.

Drivers Sangha Lvt 0027

The slave latch is composed of a second latch circuit formed with high threshold (HVT) transistors and an output driver formed with LVT transistors. The at least one control switch enables or disables the LVT transistors and is implemented with at least one HVT transistor. The LVT and HVT transistors may be N-FETs and/or P-FETs. The multi-threshold flip-flop can operate at high speed, has low leakage current, and can save the logic state when disabled. For complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), which is widely used for digital circuits and some analog circuits, a major issue with shrinking transistor size is leakage current. Smaller geometry for a transistor results in higher electric field, which stresses the transistor and causes oxide breakdown.

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To decrease the electric field, a lower power supply voltage may be used for the smaller geometry transistor. Unfortunately, the lower power supply voltage also increases the delay of the transistor, which is undesirable for a high-speed circuit. To reduce the delay and improve operating speed, the threshold voltage (Vt) of the transistor may be reduced. The threshold voltage is the voltage at which the transistor turn on. However, the lower threshold voltage and smaller geometry result in higher leakage current, which is the current passing through the transistor when it is turned off. Multi-threshold MOS circuits (e.g., flip-flops) having good performance and low leakage current are described herein. In one embodiment, a multi-threshold flip-flop includes a master latch, a slave latch, and at least one control switch.

The master latch is composed of an input buffer formed with LVT transistors and a first latch circuit formed with LVT transistors. The slave latch is composed of a second latch circuit formed with HVT transistors and an output driver formed with LVT transistors. Each latch circuit may be formed with (1) two inverters and a pass switch coupled in a feedback configuration and (2) another pass switch coupled between one inverter and the latch circuit input. The at least one control switch enables or disables the LVT transistors for the flip-flop.

Each control switch is implemented with an HVT transistor and may be a footswitch or a headswitch. The LVT and HVT transistors may be N-channel field effect transistors (N-FETs) and/or P-channel FETs (P-FETs). Maher Zain Ya Nabi Salam Alayka Turkish Version Download Mp3.

The multi-threshold flip-flop can operate at high speed since (1) the latch circuit in the master latch is composed of LVT transistors and setup time for the flip-flop is reduced and (2) the output driver in the slave latch is also composed of LVT transistors and the clock-to-output time is also reduced. The multi-threshold flip-flop has low leakage current since the control switches are turned off and present low leakage paths when the flip-flop is disabled. The multi-threshold flip-flop can save the current logic state when the flip-flop is disabled since (1) the slave latch is composed of HVT transistors without a control switch and (2) the clock is maintained at a proper logic value when in a sleep mode.

1 shows a block diagram of a D flip-flop circuit 100 that includes a master latch 110 and a slave latch 120. Master latch 110 has a data input (Dm), a data output (Qm), a clock input, and an enable input. Slave latch 120 has a data input (Ds), a data output (Qs), a clock input, and an enable input. The data input of master latch 110 represents a data input (D) of D flip-flop 100.

The data output of master latch 110 is coupled to the data input of slave latch 120. The data output of slave latch 120 represents a data output (Q) of D flip-flop 100. In an embodiment, master latch 110 is implemented with LVT transistors (which are also called LVT devices) and a first set of at least one control switch. Each control switch may be a footswitch or a headswitch. A footswitch couples one or more transistors to a low power supply (Vss).

A headswitch couples one or more transistors to a high power supply (Vdd). Slave latch 120 is implemented with mostly HVT transistors. Slave latch 120 further includes an output driver that is implemented with LVT transistors and a second set of at least one control switch. The LVT transistors provide high speed of operation. The control switches reduce leakage current for the LVT transistors when the D flip-flop is disabled. For master latch 110, input buffer 210 is implemented with an inverter 212, and latch circuit 220 is implemented with pass switches 222 and 228 and inverters 224 and 226.

The input of inverter 212 represents the D input of D flip-flop 100 a. The output of inverter 212 couples to one end of switch 222.

The other end of switch 222 couples to the input of inverter 224 and to one end of switch 228. The output of inverter 224 couples to the input of inverter 226 and also represents the data output of master latch 110. The output of inverter 226 couples to the other end of switch 228. Switch 222 is controlled by an inverted clock signal (CLKB) and turns on when the clock signal is at logic low. Switch 228 is controlled by the clock signal and turns on when the clock signal is at logic high. For slave latch 120, latch circuit 240 is implemented with pass switches 242 and 248 and inverters 244 and 246, and output buffer 260 is implemented with an inverter 262 and a pull-up transistor 264. One end of switch 242 couples to the output of master latch 110.

The other end of switch 242 couples to the inputs of inverters 244 and 262 and to one end of switch 248. The output of inverter 244 couples to the input of inverter 246. The output of inverter 246 couples to the other end of switch 248.

Switch 242 is controlled by the clock signal and turns on when the clock signal is at logic high. Switch 248 is controlled by the inverted clock signal and turns on when the clock signal is at logic low.

Inverter 262 provides signal drive, and the output of inverter 262 represents the Q output of D flip-flop 100 a. Pull-up transistor 264 has a source that couples to the Vdd power supply, a gate that receives the Enb 2 signal, and a drain that couples to the output of inverter 262. D flip-flop 100 a operates as follows.

Master latch 110 is enabled when the Enb 1 signal is at logic high and disabled when the Enb 1 signal is at logic low. When enabled, inverter 212 receives and buffers the input data and provides the buffered data to switch 222. When the clock signal is at logic low, switch 222 is turned on and switch 228 is turned off. Switch 222 provides the buffered data to the input of inverter 224, and the internal capacitances of inverters 224 and 226 are charged to a logic value that is determined by the buffered data. When the clock signal is at logic high, switch 222 is turned off and switch 228 is turned on. Inverters 224 and 226 then operate in a closed loop feedback configuration and retain the precharged logic value. Latch circuit 220 effectively samples the input data when the clock signal is at logic low and holds the sampled data when the clock signal is at logic high.

For slave latch 120, latch circuit 240 is enabled at all time, and output driver 260 is enabled when the Enb 2 signal is at logic high and disabled when the Enb 2 signal is at logic low. Latch circuit 240 operates in the same manner as latch circuit 220, except that latch circuit 240 samples and holds data using the opposite clock polarity. When the clock signal is at logic high, switch 242 is turned on and switch 248 is turned off. Switch 242 provides the latched data from master latch 110 to the input of inverter 244, and the internal capacitances of inverters 244 and 246 are charged to a logic value that is determined by the latched data. When the clock signal is at logic low, switch 242 is turned off and switch 248 is turned on.

Inverters 244 and 246 then operate in a closed loop feedback configuration and retain the precharged logic value. Latched circuit 240 effectively samples the latched data from master latch 110 when the clock signal is at logic high and holds the sampled data when the clock signal is at logic low. The clock signal should also be at logic low when D flip-flop 100 a is disabled (e.g., during sleep mode) so that latch circuit 240 can save the logic state of the flip-flop. 3 shows a schematic diagram of a D flip-flop 100 b, which is an embodiment of D flip-flop 100 a in FIG. 2 using CMOS transistors.

For master latch 110, inverter 212 within input buffer 210 is implemented with a P-FET 312 a and an N-FET 312 b, which are coupled as an inverter. The gates of FETs 312 a and 312 b couple together and form the inverter input, the drains of FETs 312 a and 312 b couple together and form the inverter output, the source of P-FET 312 a couples to the Vdd power supply, and the source of N-FET 312 b couples to the Vss power supply via an N-FET 314. N-FET 314 couples in series with FETs 312 a and 312 b and acts a footswitch that enables or disables inverter 212 based on the Enb 1 signal. Pass switch 222 is implemented with an N-FET 322 a and a P-FET 322 b, which are coupled in parallel. The gate of N-FET 322 a receives an inverted clock signal (CLKn) from an inverter 302. The gate of P-FET 322 b receives a buffered clock signal (CLKp) from an inverter 304.

Inverters 302 and 304 are coupled in series, with the input of inverter 302 receiving the clock signal CLK. When the CLK signal is at logic low, the logic high on the CLKn signal turns on N-FET 322 a, and the logic low on the CLKp signal turns on P-FET 322 b. When the CLK signal is at logic high, the logic low on the CLKn signal turns off N-FET 322 a, and the logic high on the CLKp signal turns off P-FET 322 b. Inverter 226 is implemented with a P-FET 326 a and an N-FET 326 b. Pass switch 228 is implemented with a P-FET 328 a and an N-FET 328 b.

P-FET 326 a has a source that couples to the Vdd power supply, a gate that couples to the output of inverter 224, and a drain that couples to the source of P-FET 328 a. P-FET 328 a has a gate that receives the CLKn signal and a drain that couples to the input of inverter 224. N-FET 326 b has a source that couples to the Vss power supply via an N-FET 336, a gate that couples to the output of inverter 224, and a drain that couples to the source of N-FET 328 b. N-FET 328 b has a gate that receives the CLKp signal and a drain that couples to the input of inverter 224. For slave latch 120, pass switch 242 is implemented with an N-FET 342 a and a P-FET 342 b. Inverter 244 is implemented with a P-FET 344 a and an N-FET 344 b. Inverter 246 is implemented with a P-FET 346 a and an N-FET 346 b.

Pass switch 248 is implemented with a P-FET 348 a and an N-FET 348 b. The P-FETs and N-FETs for pass switches 242 and 248 and inverters 244 and 246 within latch circuit 240 are coupled in the same manner as the corresponding P-FETs and N-FETs for pass switches 222 and 228 and inverters 224 and 226, respectively, within latch circuit 220 for master latch 110. All of the P-FETs and N-FETs for latch circuit 240 are implemented with HVT transistors. Footswitches and headswitches are not needed for latch circuit 240. In general, at least one control switch is used to enable or disable the LVT transistors and to provide low leakage path for these LVT transistors in the D flip-flop.

Separate sets of one or more control switches may be used for the master latch and the slave latch, and these sets may be controlled by separate enable signals, as shown in FIGS. Alternatively, one set of one or more control switches may be used for both the master and slave latches and may be controlled by a single enable signal. D flip-flop 100 a in FIG.

2 and D flip-flop 100 b in FIG. 3 provide various advantages. First, these D flip-flops can achieve high speed of operation. The master latch for each D flip-flop is composed of LVT transistors and the setup time for the flip-flop can be reduced. The output driver is also composed of LVT transistors and the clock-to-output time is reduced.

Second, these D flip-flops have low leakage current. When these D flip-flops are disabled (e.g., during sleep mode), the control switches are turned off and prevent high leakage current via the LVT devices. Third, each D flip-flop can retain its logic state when disabled. The logic state of each D flip-flop is saved in the slave latch since this latch is composed of HVT devices without a control switch. The multi-threshold MOS circuits described herein may be used for various applications such as communication, networking, computing, consumer electronics, and so on.

The multi-threshold MOS circuits may also be used in various electronic devices and especially for portable devices such as wireless communication devices, cellular phones, wireless digital personal assistants (PDA), wireless modem modules, laptop computers, and other digital circuits that use flip-flops. The use of the multi-threshold MOS circuits for a wireless device is described below. 4 shows a block diagram of a wireless device 400 that may advantageously employ the multi-threshold MOS circuits. Wireless device 400 may be a cellular phone, a terminal, a handset, or some other apparatus. Wireless device 400 may be capable of communicating with a code division multiple access (CDMA) system, a time division multiple access (TDMA) system, a Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) system, an Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) system, Global Positioning System (GPS), a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) system, a wireless local area network (WLAN), and/or some other wireless communication systems and networks. A CDMA system may implement Wideband-CDMA (W-CDMA), cdma2000, or some other radio access technology.

A WLAN may be an IEEE 802.11 network, a Bluetooth network, or some other wireless network. Wireless device 400 provides bi-directional communication via a receive path and a transmit path. For the receive path, forward link signals transmitted by base stations are received by an antenna 412, routed through a duplexer (D) 414, and provided to a receiver unit (RCVR) 416.

Receiver unit 416 conditions and digitizes the received signal and provides input samples to a digital section 420 for further processing. For the transmit path, a transmitter unit (TMTR) 418 receives from digital section 420 data to be transmitted, processes and conditions the data, and generates a reverse link signal, which is routed through duplexer 414 and transmitted via antenna 412 to the base stations. Digital section 420 includes various processing units and interface units such as, for example, a digital signal processor (DSP) 422, a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) 424, a controller/microprocessor 426, and an external bus interface (EBI) 428. DSP 422 and/or RISC 424 may implement (1) a modem processor that performs processing for data transmission and reception (e.g., encoding, modulation, demodulation, decoding, and so on), (2) a video processor that performs processing on still images, moving videos, moving texts, and so on, (3) a graphics processor that performs processing on graphics for video games, 3-D avatars, and so on, and/or (4) other processors for other applications. EBI 428 facilitates transfer of data between digital section 420 and a volatile memory 432 and a non-volatile memory 434.

Volatile memory 432 may be a RAM, an SRAM, a DRAM, an SDRAM, and so on. Ramaiya Vastavaiya Full Hd Movie Free Download For Pc. Non-volatile memory 434 may be a Flash memory, a ROM, and so on. The multi-threshold MOS circuits may be used for any or all of the units within digital section 420 and/or for memories 432 and 434.

The multi-threshold MOS circuits may be used in various types of IC such as application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), DSPs, RISCs, digital signal processing devices (DSPDs), programmable logic devices (PLDs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), processors, controllers, micro-controllers, microprocessors, and so on. The multi-threshold MOS circuits may also be fabricated in various IC process technologies such as CMOS, N-MOS, P-MOS, bipolar-CMOS (Bi-CMOS), and so on.

CMOS technology can fabricate both N-FET and P-FET devices on the same die, whereas N-MOS technology can only fabricate N-FET devices and P-MOS technology can only fabricate P-FET devices. The multi-threshold MOS circuits may be fabricated using different device size technologies (e.g., 0.13 mm, 30 nm, and so on). In general, the multi-threshold MOS circuits are more effective and beneficial as IC process technology scales to smaller “feature” or device length. The previous description of the disclosed embodiments is provided to enable any person skilled in the art to make or use the present invention. Various modifications to these embodiments will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art, and the generic principles defined herein may be applied to other embodiments without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention. Thus, the present invention is not intended to be limited to the embodiments shown herein but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and novel features disclosed herein.

Referenced by Citing Patent Filing date Publication date Applicant Title * Jun 21, 2007 Oct 27, 2009 Mediatek Inc. Input circuits and methods thereof * Apr 10, 2008 Dec 13, 2011 Broadcom Corporation Low leakage data retention flip flop * Nov 14, 2008 May 6, 2014 Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.

Switching control circuit and AC/DC converter using the same Feb 19, 2013 Jun 16, 2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated Nonvolatile logic array with retention flip flops to reduce switching power during wakeup May 30, 2012 Aug 18, 2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Sequential logic circuit and method of providing setup timing violation tolerance therefor * Dec 28, 2005 Jun 28, 2007 Intel Corporation Registers for an enhanced idle architectural state * May 23, 2006 Nov 29, 2007 Pavan Vithal Torvi Method and apparatus for a low standby-power flip-flop * Jun 21, 2007 Jan 10, 2008 Mediatek Inc. Input circuits and methods thereof * Aug 20, 2008 Mar 12, 2009 Dongbu Hitek Co., Ltd. Mtcmos flip-flop with retention function * Nov 14, 2008 Jun 4, 2009 Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. Switching control circuit and AC/DC converter using the same * Apr 10, 2008 Oct 15, 2009 Broadcom Corporation Low leakage data retention flip flop * May 30, 2012 Dec 5, 2013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Sequential logic circuit and method of providing setup timing violation tolerance therefor * Sep 10, 2013 Mar 13, 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated Nonvolatile logic array with retention flip flops to reduce switching power during wakeup.

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