Esercizi Svolti Di Economia Aziendale Pdf

Print Course Diritto pubblico Academic Year 2017/2018 Year of rule 2017/2018 Degree 1420 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Curriculum CORSO GENERICO Teaching leader Teachers Course type Partizione alfabetica AK-LZ Year 1 Partition Cognomi L-Z Teaching language Italian Abstract The course promotes better understanding of Italian public institutions and of the Constitutional framework in which they function. In particular, It examines the structure of our government and focuses on the distribution of power among the public institutions, and the division of power between the central state and the regions. The course will carefully consider the fundamental rights protected by the Italian constitution and the jurisdictional guarantees for rights. Moreover, special attention will be given to the problem of European integration and to the analysis of the validity and effects of EU law in the Italian legal system.
Reference texts M. Conte, ISTITUZIONI DI DIRITTO PUBBLICO, Maggioli, Ult. Teaching targets Achievement of an adequate knowledge of the Italian public law. In particular, the course provides knowledge and understanding skills, relating to the basic concepts of public law and notions, concepts and institutions of the Italian constitutional law, alongside an initial capacity to apply these knowledge and understanding skills to simple case studies. Prerequisites Nothing Didattics Methods The course will be provided in blended learning, with both frontal lessons and online materials.

These online materials will support traditional handbooks. Online materials will be made known at the beginning of the course following a precise time-table. Other informations The course aims to provide students with the critical tools to understand the interactions between the legal models and the development of economic systems, and to deepen the concept of ' economic constitution ' Grading rules Written examination (ten closed-ended questions). Full arguments The course will deal with the following themes: a) basic concepts of constitutional law and constitutionalism.
Law, political power, State, Constitution; b) the system of sources of law; in particular the criteria for the solution of contradictions, interpretation of normative texts, the different sources of Italian law, the Italian legal system within the European framework; c) the form of State and form of Government. The constitutional bodies: Parliement, Government, President of the Republic.
D) the Regions and the local territorial bodies; e) constitutional rights: rights of liberty, rights of participation and rights of equality; f) constitutional justice and jurisdictional guarantee of rights; g) the economic Constitution. Print Course STATISTICA Academic Year 2017/2018 Year of rule 2017/2018 Degree 1420 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Curriculum CORSO GENERICO Teaching leader Teachers Course type Partizione alfabetica AK-LZ Year 1 Partition Cognomi A-K Teaching language Italian Abstract Presentation of statistical methodology for the analysis of one-dimensional and two-dimensional data. Introduction to probability theory and to sample statistics with special attention to inference for large samples. Reference texts Lecture notes and exercises are available in the web page of the course at the URL: Teaching targets The goal of the course is to introduce some basic techniques of univariate and bivariate data analysis and some elements of inferential statistics. The learning process focuses on: 1. Definition of concepts by using examples and applications; 2.
In questa sezione sono riportati i file, in formato pdf, di alcuni esercizi di Microeconomia e Macroeconomia. Gli esercizi riguardano gli argomenti che sono. Di Economia Aziendale V anno. E i costi sostenuti entro la chiusura dell’esercizio ma di competenza di esercizi successivi (risconti attivi).
Mastery of technical and formal language; 3. Development of data analysis skills and of the ability to comment on and communicate the results. Prerequisites Basic elements of mathematics and calculus.
Didattics Methods Lectures and exercises. Other informations Some on-line supports are available on the web page of the course. Grading rules The evaluation is based on a compulsory written exam including: - theoretical questions whose scope is to verify the knowledge level, - exercises to verify the abilities in applying the introduced numerical tools, - structured problems to test abilities in providing coherent comments on the results and communicating them with a proper statistical language. The oral exam is optional and measures the knowledge on the theoretical and formal aspects.
Full arguments Part I – Univariate descriptive statistics The population and the variables.Frequency distributions and graphics. Analysis of quantitative variables: the cumulative distribution functions and the quantiles. Measures of the central tendency and variability. Measures of shape.
Analysis of qualitative variables: the heterogeneity. Part II – Bivariate descriptive statistics The joint distributions and the conditional distributions. The study of the dependence. The Chi square index. The correlation and the decomposition of variance. The linear correlation and the covariance.
The linear regression. The OLS method.
Goodness of fit. Part III – Elements of Probability and Inference The random experiments and the probability space. Ambulette Ambulette Billing Ambulette Billing Software on this page. Probability measure on finite sample spaces. Conditional probability and independence. The random variables.
Some useful probability distributions. Linear combination of random variables. The populations and the samples. Asymptotic statistics: consistency, the Central Limit Theorem and the plug-in principle. The point estimation and the asymptotic confidence intervals for mean, proportion, variance and regression coefficient. Introducing hypothesis testing. Print Course STATISTICA Academic Year 2017/2018 Year of rule 2017/2018 Degree 1420 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Curriculum CORSO GENERICO Teaching leader Teachers Course type Partizione alfabetica AK-LZ Year 1 Partition Cognomi L-Z Teaching language Italian Abstract Presentation of statistical methodology for the analysis of one-dimensional and two-dimensional data.
Introduction to probability theory and to sample statistics with special attention to inference for large samples. Reference texts Lecture notes and exercises are available in the web page of the course at the URL: Teaching targets The goal of the course is to introduce some basic techniques of univariate and bivariate data analysis and some elements of inferential statistics. The learning process focuses on: 1. Definition of concepts by using examples and applications; 2. Mastery of technical and formal language; 3. Development of data analysis skills and of the ability to comment on and communicate the results. Prerequisites Basic elements of mathematics and calculus.
Didattics Methods Lectures and exercises. Other informations Some on-line supports are available on the web page of the course. Grading rules The evaluation is based on a compulsory written exam including: - theoretical questions whose scope is to verify the knowledge level, - exercises to verify the abilities in applying the introduced numerical tools, - structured problems to test abilities in providing coherent comments on the results and communicating them with a proper statistical language. The oral exam is optional and measures the knowledge on the theoretical and formal aspects. Full arguments Part I – Univariate descriptive statistics The population and the variables.Frequency distributions and graphics. Analysis of quantitative variables: the cumulative distribution functions and the quantiles.
Measures of the central tendency and variability. Measures of shape. Analysis of qualitative variables: the heterogeneity. Part II – Bivariate descriptive statistics The joint distributions and the conditional distributions. The study of the dependence. The Chi square index.
The correlation and the decomposition of variance. The linear correlation and the covariance. The linear regression. The OLS method. Goodness of fit. Part III – Elements of Probability and Inference The random experiments and the probability space. Probability measure on finite sample spaces.
Conditional probability and independence. The random variables. Some useful probability distributions. Linear combination of random variables.
The populations and the samples. Asymptotic statistics: consistency, the Central Limit Theorem and the plug-in principle. The point estimation and the asymptotic confidence intervals for mean, proportion, variance and regression coefficient. Introducing hypothesis testing. Print Course DIRITTO COMMERCIALE E DEI CONTRATTI D'IMPRESA Academic Year 2017/2018 Year of rule 2016/2017 Degree 1420 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Curriculum CORSO GENERICO Teaching leader Teachers, Course type Partizione alfabetica AK-LZ Year 2 Partition Cognomi A-K Teaching language Italian. Abstract PART I – COMPANY LAW, I 1.
The entrepreneur and the enterprise. Partnerships, copartnerships, limited partnerships. PART II – COMPANY LAW, II 1. Stock companies and limited companies.
Cooperative companies. Groups of companies. Mergers and other extraordinary transactions. PART III – COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS The main commercial contracts. Reference texts It is essential an updated edition of the italian Civil Code and of the complementary acts. Recommended textbooks: PART I – COMPANY LAW, I 1.
AA.VV., Lineamenti di diritto commerciale, directed by Cottino, Zanichelli, 2014. CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di diritto commerciale, UTET, Torino, 2015. AA.VV., Lineamenti di diritto commerciale, directed by Cottino, Zanichelli, 2014.
CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di diritto commerciale, UTET, Torino, 2015. RESCIGNO, Corso di diritto commerciale, vol. I, Zanichelli, Bologna, last ed. PART II – COMPANY LAW, II AA.VV., Lineamenti di diritto commerciale, directed by Cottino, Zanichelli, 2014. CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di diritto commerciale, UTET, Torino, 2015.
RESCIGNO, Corso di diritto commerciale, vol. II, Zanichelli, Bologna, last ed. PART III – COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS For attending students: AA.VV., Lineamenti di diritto commerciale, directed by Cottino, Zanichelli, 2014. For non attending students also: O. CAGNASSO – G. COTTINO, Contratti commerciali, CEDAM, Padova, 2009, or M. CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di diritto commerciale, UTET, Torino, 2015.
Teaching targets 1) Knowledge and understanding. The course’s purpose, throughout the study of enterprises, partnerships and stock companies and commercial contracts is to provide students with appropriates instruments to understand and correctly apply the rules of law in each individual case with a critical attitude and an appropriate technical language. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding. The course’s purpose is to allow the comprehension of scholars’ works and judicial decisions. 3) Making judgments. The course’s purpose is to provide students the instruments to be able to grasp the main issues of the subject, to apply them to practical cases and to critically analyze the different interpretations of a rule. 4) Communication skills.
The course’s purpose is to provide the student with the ability to rigorously use the legal technical language. 5) Learning skills. The students will become familiar with the most important pieces of legislation and sources of bibliographic references.
Oppa Gangnam Style Audio Song Free Download more. Prerequisites Proven knowledge of the Civil Law. Didattics Methods 1. Knowledge and understanding. Traditional face-to-face lessons and self-study based on teaching materials here suggested or indicated during the course. Applying knowledge and understanding. Exercises carried out by the Professor during the course. Making judgments.
Students will be stimulated to interpret the rules during face-to-face lessons. Knowledge of technical language – Communication skills.
The meaning of legal terms will be explained during the course. Learning skills. Starting from the rule of law, doctrinal and case-law developments related to every legal instrument will be analyzed. Grading rules Practice exercises and exam simulations might be addressed during the course. The final exam is oral. Before the oral examination, the students may be required to have passed a written selection.
For the Part III assessment, the exam consists of a (non compulsory) written test at the end of the course, with open or close questions or legal opinions on practical cases. Full arguments PART I – COMPANY LAW, I The enterpreneur (art.
Print Course DIRITTO COMMERCIALE E DEI CONTRATTI D'IMPRESA Academic Year 2017/2018 Year of rule 2016/2017 Degree 1420 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Curriculum CORSO GENERICO Teaching leader Teachers Course type Partizione alfabetica AK-LZ Year 2 Partition Cognomi L-Z Teaching language ITALIAN Abstract PART I – COMPANY LAW, I 1. The entrepreneur and the enterprise. Partnerships, copartnerships, limited partnerships. PART II – COMPANY LAW, II 1. Stock companies and limited companies. Cooperative companies. Groups of companies.
Mergers and other extraordinary transactions. PART III – COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS The main commercial contracts.
Reference texts It is essential an updated edition of the italian Civil Code and of the complementary acts. Recommended textbooks: PART I – COMPANY LAW, I 1. AA.VV., Lineamenti di diritto commerciale, directed by Cottino, Zanichelli, 2014. CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di diritto commerciale, UTET, Torino, 2015. AA.VV., Lineamenti di diritto commerciale, directed by Cottino, Zanichelli, 2014. CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di diritto commerciale, UTET, Torino, 2015.
RESCIGNO, Corso di diritto commerciale, vol. I, Zanichelli, Bologna, last ed. PART II – COMPANY LAW, II AA.VV., Lineamenti di diritto commerciale, directed by Cottino, Zanichelli, 2014. CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di diritto commerciale, UTET, Torino, 2015.
RESCIGNO, Corso di diritto commerciale, vol. II, Zanichelli, Bologna, last ed. PART III – COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS For attending students: AA.VV., Lineamenti di diritto commerciale, directed by Cottino, Zanichelli, 2014. For non attending students also: O. CAGNASSO – G. COTTINO, Contratti commerciali, CEDAM, Padova, 2009, or M.
CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di diritto commerciale, UTET, Torino, 2015. Teaching targets 1) Knowledge and understanding.
The course’s purpose, throughout the study of enterprises, partnerships and stock companies and commercial contracts is to provide students with appropriates instruments to understand and correctly apply the rules of law in each individual case with a critical attitude and an appropriate technical language. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding. The course’s purpose is to allow the comprehension of scholars’ works and judicial decisions. 3) Making judgments. The course’s purpose is to provide students the instruments to be able to grasp the main issues of the subject, to apply them to practical cases and to critically analyze the different interpretations of a rule. 4) Communication skills.
The course’s purpose is to provide the student with the ability to rigorously use the legal technical language. 5) Learning skills. The students will become familiar with the most important pieces of legislation and sources of bibliographic references. Prerequisites Proven and solid knowledge of private and civil law. Didattics Methods 1.
Knowledge and understanding. Traditional face-to-face lessons and self-study based on teaching materials here suggested or indicated during the course. Applying knowledge and understanding. Exercises carried out by the Professor during the course. Making judgments. Students will be stimulated to interpret the rules during face-to-face lessons. Knowledge of technical language – Communication skills.
The meaning of legal terms will be explained during the course. Learning skills.
Starting from the rule of law, doctrinal and case-law developments related to every legal instrument will be analyzed. Grading rules Practice exercises and exam simulations might be addressed during the course. The final exam is oral. Before the oral examination, the students may be required to have passed a written selection. For the Part III assessment, the exam consists of a (non compulsory) written test at the end of the course, with open or close questions or legal opinions on practical cases. Full arguments PART I – COMPANY LAW, I The enterpreneur (art. Print Course ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE Academic Year 2017/2018 Year of rule 2016/2017 Degree 1420 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Curriculum CORSO GENERICO Teaching leader Teachers Course type Partizione alfabetica AK-LZ Year 2 Partition Cognomi A-K Teaching language Italian Abstract The course introduces to business management and provides a basic framework with regard to business management processes.
Combining methodologies proper of Business Administration with models and tools borrowed from Managerial Economics, the course places emphasis on the application of these models in practical decision-making problems. The first part of the course develops the role of business units and their stakeholders. Particular emphasis is given to the goal of value creation and to the measures of firm profitability. The second part examines the concept of strategy and provides some methodological tools to understand and formulate corporate and business strategies. The third part of the course conceptualizes, theoretically, the analysis of production and costs. The fourth and last part presents the study of cost strategies from a practical point of view, using the conceptual aspects discussed above in the context of decision-making and operational problems. Reference texts Fraquelli G., “Impresa, mercato e gestione del valore”, Utet, 2006, Chapters.
The textbook is available at the library Fraquelli G., Ragazzi E., “Economia Manageriale. Problemi e casi pratici”, Utet, 2001, Chapters: I e II. The textbook is available at the library Teaching material includes slides, exercises and eventual additional support. All this material is available at the D.I.R. Webpage of the course (password: ecogest) Teaching targets The course aims to provide students with the tools necessary to understand the issues related to some aspects of managerial decisions, outlining at the same time a way of structuring the analysis functional to problem solving. Print Course ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELLE IMPRESE Academic Year 2017/2018 Year of rule 2016/2017 Degree 1420 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Curriculum CORSO GENERICO Teaching leader Teachers, Course type Partizione alfabetica AK-LZ Year 2 Partition Cognomi L-Z Teaching language Italian Abstract The course introduces to business management and provides a basic framework with regard to business management processes. Combining methodologies proper of Business Administration with models and tools borrowed from Managerial Economics, the course places emphasis on the application of these models in practical decision-making problems.
The first part of the course develops the role of business units and their stakeholders. Particular emphasis is given to the goal of value creation and to the measures of firm profitability. The second part examines the concept of strategy and provides some methodological tools to understand and formulate corporate and business strategies. The third part of the course conceptualizes, theoretically, the analysis of production and costs.
The fourth and last part presents the study of cost strategies from a practical point of view, using the conceptual aspects discussed above in the context of decision-making and operational problems. Reference texts Fraquelli G., “Impresa, mercato e gestione del valore”, Utet, 2006, Chapters. The textbook is available at the library Fraquelli G., Ragazzi E., “Economia Manageriale. Problemi e casi pratici”, Utet, 2001, Chapters: I e II. The textbook is available at the library Teaching material includes slides, exercises and eventual additional support. All this material is available at the D.I.R. Webpage of the course (password: ecogest) Teaching targets The course aims to provide students with the tools necessary to understand the issues related to some aspects of managerial decisions, outlining at the same time a way of structuring the analysis functional to problem solving.
Print Course PUBLIC FINANCE Academic Year 2017/2018 Year of rule 2016/2017 Degree 1420 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Curriculum CORSO GENERICO Teaching leader Teachers Course type Partizione alfabetica AK-LZ Year 2 Partition Cognomi A-K Teaching language Italian. Possibility to take the exam in English. Abstract The course of Economic Policy and Public Finance aims at analyzing the economic systems, the role played by the State and the associated problems. It consists of two modules. The module of Public Finance aims at illustrating the role of the State both in principle and in practice. The focus is on the various tax and spending programs used to achieve the State economic goals. The course includes also some study of State and Local governments and fiscal federalism..
Reference texts o R. Artoni, Elementi di Scienza delle Finanze, Ed. Il Mulino, last ed., chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11.6, 12.
Further information can be found on the DIR page of the course For non Italian speaking students texts in English will be suggested upon request. Teaching targets The aim of the course of Economic Policy and Public Finance is to provide students with the necessary tools for the analysis of how government intervention affects the economy. In particular, the modlue of Public Finance has the following educational objectives: - KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: basics of the Italian tax system; theoretical issues underlying the main taxes; theoretical reasons underlying public intervention; government's intervention modes in social security and health care systems. - ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: ability to assess the main direct and indirect taxes levied in Italy; ability to assess the impact of tax changes; ability to understand the effects of pension and healthcare reforms on the economic system. Prerequisites Economics.
Didattics Methods The course of Economic Policy and Public Finance is an integrated course over two terms separated in two modules. The course consists of lectures, exercise classes and possibly testimonials and seminars Other informations The first module (Public Finance) will be taught in the first semester (OctoberDecember), the secondo module (Economic Policy) in the second semester (February-May), according to the academic timetable Grading rules The exam of Economic Policy and Public Finance is written and consists of two parts, one for each module, 45 min. The exam is passed with a grade of not less than 18 and if in both parts have a grade of not less than 15. The final grade is the average of the marks obtained in the two parts, rounded up. Each student can take the exam for a maximum of three times in the course of a calendar year.
Full arguments Module of Public Finance 1. INTRODUCTION o The Public Sector: role and definitions o Public expenditures and public revenues o Taxation: definitions and classifications o Tax progressivity 2. PERSONAL INCOME TAXES o Generalities o Outline of the Italian income tax (IRPEF) o Principles behind the Italian income tax o The design of the income tax (types of incomes, individual or household income) 3.
CORPORATE TAXES o Generalities o Outline of the Italian corporate tax (IRES) o The link between personal income and corporate taxes o The incidence of the corporation income tax and its effect on efficiency 4. CAPITAL INCOME TAXES o Generalities o The special treatment of capital income o International capital taxation 5. TAXES ON CONSUMPTION o Generalities o General taxes on transactions and value-added taxes o Types of taxable transactions o Taxes on international transactions 6.
THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM o Rationale for a role of government in the health care sector o Private health insurances and failures o Public health insurance o A comparison among healthcare systems (US, UK and Italy) 7. THE PENSION SYSTEM o Rationale for a role of government in the pension system o Pay-as-you-go versus funded pension schemes o Effects on savings o Pension systems risks o The Italian pension system and the recent reforms 8. LOCAL TAXES AND EXPENDITURES o Rationale for decentralization o Financing local authorities o Transfers to local authorities in Italy o Redistribution and fiscal federalism 9. THE BUDGETARY PROCESS AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC FINANCE o The budget law o The budgetary process in Italy o The Internal Stability Pact Course borrowed to. Print Course PUBLIC FINANCE Academic Year 2017/2018 Year of rule 2016/2017 Degree 1420 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE Curriculum CORSO GENERICO Teaching leader Teachers Course type Partizione alfabetica AK-LZ Year 2 Partition Cognomi L-Z Teaching language Italian. Possibility to take the exam in English. Abstract The course of Economic Policy and Public Finance aims at analyzing the economic systems, the role played by the State and the associated problems.
It consists of two modules. The module of Public Finance aims at illustrating the role of the State both in principle and in practice. The focus is on the various tax and spending programs used to achieve the State economic goals. The course includes also some study of State and Local governments and fiscal federalism. Reference texts - R. Artoni, Elementi di Scienza delle Finanze, Ed.
Il Mulino, last ed., chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11.6, 12. - Further information can be found on the DIR page of the course For non Italian speaking students texts in English will be suggested upon request. Teaching targets The aim of the course of Economic Policy and Public Finance is to provide students with the necessary tools for the analysis of how government intervention affects the economy. In particular, the modlue of Public Finance has the following educational objectives: - KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: basics of the Italian tax system; theoretical issues underlying the main taxes; theoretical reasons underlying public intervention; government's intervention modes in social security and health care systems. - ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: ability to assess the main direct and indirect taxes levied in Italy; ability to assess the impact of tax changes; ability to understand the effects of pension and healthcare reforms on the economic system. Prerequisites Economics.
Didattics Methods The course of Economic Policy and Public Finance is an integrated course over two terms separated in two modules. The course consists of lectures, exercise classes and possibly testimonials and seminars Other informations The first module (Public Finance) will be taught in the first semester (October-December), the secondo module (Economic Policy) in the second semester (February-May), according to the academic timetable Grading rules The exam of Economic Policy and Public Finance is written and consists of two parts, one for each module, 45 min. The exam is passed with a grade of not less than 18 and if in both parts have a grade of not less than 15. The final grade is the average of the marks obtained in the two parts, rounded up.
Each student can take the exam for a maximum of three times in the course of a calendar year. Full arguments Module of Public Finance 1. INTRODUCTION o The Public Sector: role and definitions o Public expenditures and public revenues o Taxation: definitions and classifications o Tax progressivity 2. PERSONAL INCOME TAXES o Generalities o Outline of the Italian income tax (IRPEF) o Principles behind the Italian income tax o The design of the income tax (types of incomes, individual or household income) 3.
CORPORATE TAXES o Generalities o Outline of the Italian corporate tax (IRES) o The link between personal income and corporate taxes o The incidence of the corporation income tax and its effect on efficiency 4. CAPITAL INCOME TAXES o Generalities o The special treatment of capital income o International capital taxation 5. TAXES ON CONSUMPTION o Generalities o General taxes on transactions and value-added taxes o Types of taxable transactions o Taxes on international transactions 6. THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM o Rationale for a role of government in the health care sector o Private health insurances and failures o Public health insurance o A comparison among healthcare systems (US, UK and Italy) 7. THE PENSION SYSTEM o Rationale for a role of government in the pension system o Pay-as-you-go versus funded pension schemes o Effects on savings o Pension systems risks o The Italian pension system and the recent reforms 8.
LOCAL TAXES AND EXPENDITURES o Rationale for decentralization o Financing local authorities o Transfers to local authorities in Italy o Redistribution and fiscal federalism 9. THE BUDGETARY PROCESS AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC FINANCE o The budget law o The budgetary process in Italy o The Internal Stability Pact.