Install Shockwave Player Without Admin Rights

Dec 09, 2013 Shockwave for non admin users does not work. Kb/ troubleshoot-shockwave-player-installation. I run the shockwave executable it asks for admin rights.
Download Essentials Of Electronics Petruzella Pdf Free. I've searched google, bing, and this site trying to find an answer to my problem with no luck. Either I'm blind or I'm missing something.
We have non-admin users that need to use sites that take advantage of the IE9 Shockwave Add-On. Every time they go to the site, they get the yellow bar asking to allow, problem being non-admin can't allow it. Since we can't make them admin's and they are supervised, is there a way to push a registry key that would Allow Shockwave to run on all sites without admin permissions. I know I can allow it from within IE on an admin user, but that does not help me out.
Generic Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Here is my problem. I have 2000 laptops deployed. Tested everything before deployment. Everything apparently but shockwave for students. If I login as a admin to the computer shockwave works with all browsers installed on the computer. Switch user to student account which is a non-admin account and shockwave does not work in any browser. Setup: Laptop: Windows 7 64bit Ent.
SP1 Infrastructure: Active Directory Srv2008 R2. Minimal group policies. Basically students are users and the only group policy settings say they cannot access the control panel. Shockwave 12.0.4 Flash works fine, adobe reader is fine. Everything is working except for shockwave. I have uninstalled shockwave completely and reinstalled it and still does not work. Have given rights to the install folder with no luck.
OK I will look at the activex stuff. The weird thing is that I have tried it in chrome, firefox and ie none of them show the plugin at all. As an example if I goto chrome://plugins as a admin the plugin shows up.
I can enable or disable it. As a non admin when I goto chrome://plugins the shockwave plugin is not there. This is true for all 3 browsers. I have test student account and added it to my no block group for my web filter.
I followed the uninstall procedures from adobe for shockwave.