Vhr Stock Car Setups
Sep 01, 2011 VHR Stockcar 2010 Edition 4.00. Stock Cars Initial release. VHR-Stockcar Pace Car Created by: Corvette Dave VHR-Stockcar Pace Car Base Paint Skin. May 08, 2014 VHR Stockcar 2014 tires, grip and setups. Into the car files and compare them to other cars and mods and see if I can get VHR to feel better in Game Stock Car.
Windows Ce 6 0 Wm8650 Tablet. Hey Guys / Gals, I wanted to post some previews of the upcoming release of VHR Stockcar. As you know the Sprint Cup cars are new for this year, so keep up with the changes VHR has got them ready to go for this season. I wish that you would do a review of VHR Stockcar, in my mind and allot others it is better then iRacing, seems as though this site is iracing promoted only and doesn't leave much room for any other sim. That is too bad because there aren't many mod teams left anymore, so it would be nice to promote the hard work of these groups or like myself individuals that do it for the love of sim racing.
*- If the staff would like to do a review please feel free to contact me. For those you that might be interested in the mod, visit the official site. • May 19, 2013 - 1.4 Update has been released. A number of updates are done to better your racing experience, a new super speedway drafting package will be introduced along with some suspension updates. Super speedways drafting package is the best that has been released in years for VHR, digging into the old achieves from previous years the package makes for some awesome racing.
Other updates are a few engine sounds and some track updates such as textures and adding of some track side objects. Working on some cockpit updates as well to give the cockpit view an even more realistic look.
Menace Ii Society 1993 Download more. Some tracks will have the tire physic's updated such as tire heat and wear. On a side note, VHR will be moving over to rFactor 2 at some point this year, more info will be released and a beta later this year.