Andersson A3222d Manual Woodworkers
Welcome to our web site! After spending some time here at®, I think you'll agree that this site has the most comprehensive selection of woodworking tools, machinery, and supplies on the web, as well as some great prices. Since 1972 our company, Woodworker's Supply®, Inc., has been serving the needs of professional and discriminating amateur woodworkers. Unlike many dot-com merchants, I run a customer-focused company. We believe our service is the best you will find in the woodworking industry. Service means interaction with people.
But because we are people, we (or others on whom we depend, like freight carriers) occasionally make errors. We hope you will never experience any of these errors.
However, if you do I want you to be assured we will do our best to quickly correct the situation. This recovery is what really separates good companies from mediocre companies and is the single largest reason for hundreds of unsolicited letters from customers.
We have designed some very friendly and powerful features into our site. You can access our products three (3) ways: • Browse Print Catalogs® ( U.S. Patent 8,417,599, filed December 6, 2001, and issued April 9, 2013): Use our Browse Print Catalog Engine® ( U.S. Patent 8,417,599, filed December 6, 2001, and issued April 9, 2013), online, as you would one of our paper catalogs: • Jumping to pages in that print catalog from the catalog's Index page; • Clicking anywhere on the page to show a detailed Presentation from which you can obtain additional information and add items to your cart.

• An intelligent and powerful Search (by keyword/brand/part number) with which you can select one of three search logics. This Keyword Search Engine returns a Mini Presentation with a thumbnail photo that links to a full Presentation. • Products by Category which allows you to list all the Mini Presentations (which link to full Presentations) in one or more of our Product Categories with an optional sub select by Brand. We also have some awesome tools, which allow you to create your own Custom Catalog (U.S. Patent 7,472,082), Project Lists SM, and Wish Lists. To help friends and family shop for you we offer a handy to use Gift Registry.
If you are already a customer, I thank you for your past business. If you are not already a customer, may we have your order? I invite you to experience buying from®, Where the experts buy their tools SM.
Hummingbird Designs ($4.97 - $377.62): 30 of 521 items - Shop Hummingbird Designs from ALL your favorite stores & find HUGE SAVINGS up to. To investigate the relation between wood dust exposure and different indices of asthma among woodworkers and non-exposed subjects. A total of 302 woodworkers and 71.
Best regards, John Wirth, Jr. John Wirth, Jr. President and Owner P.S.
I challenge you to find this offer from any other e-commerce CEO. If you have a problem that our staff cannot handle please feel free to call me, mail a note, or send e-mail to P.P.S.
Oh yes, please, please do e-mail suggestions for site improvements to me. About Woodworker's Supply, Inc. Woodworker's Supply, Inc. Was founded in 1972 by John Wirth, Jr. And Billie Jean Wirth with seven employees in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Our philosophy was, and still is today, to serve professional and discriminating amateur woodworkers in supplying their machinery, tools, and other woodworking needs. We grew very rapidly in the 1980's and were honored by being named to the Inc 500 list of Top 500 Fastest Growing Companies in 1987, 1988 and 1989. Our ownership is still the same and both John and Billie Jean still manage the company.
Our 40,000 ft 2 Albuquerque facility currently holds a showroom, our fulfillment operation, and our marketing department. In 1990 we expanded into Casper, Wyoming where we established our new headquarters. In Casper we currently have a showroom, as well as our product development, manufacturing, and A&H Abrasives division of the company. In 2017 we opened our newest showroom in Burlington, North Carolina where we fulfill orders for woodworkers local area. We proudly live by a code of conduct conspicuously posted on etched bronze plaques in all our locations.
We expect our customers to expect us to live up to this code of conduct. Woodworker's Supply®, Inc. Code of Conduct • To offer only products that perform their intended function well and represent good value. • To accurately represent those products in our literature and catalogs.
• To provide courteous and prompt processing of customers' orders. • To provide competent and honest answers to customers' technical inquiries. • To be honest, fair and prompt in processing refunds and exchanges.
• To be reasonable and fair in dealings with suppliers and vendors and to meet our financial obligations to same in a timely manner. • To strive for excellence in our daily endeavors and to take pride in work well done. • To maintain positive, polite, congenial and cooperative relationships with fellow employees and to strive to maintain a work atmosphere conducive to high productivity. • To maintain and strengthen our personal integrity in all dealings with customers, suppliers, vendors and fellow employees. Our team of enthusiastic staff members (almost all are woodworkers) is eager to assist you in supplying your woodworking needs.
Of Interest * denotes new update Archive News Solve-A-Woodworking-Problem Contest Click the winners of our latest Solve-A-Woodworking-Problem Contest. Woodworker's Supply, Inc. 30th Anniversary Celebration. Click for Celebration Details. Customers Rave about an E-version of the Woodworker's Print Catalog ( U.S. Patent 8,417,599, filed December 6, 2001, and issued April 9, 2013) Woodworker's Supply catalogs have been around for 40 years! Many employees have been here for almost that long.
And many of them were customers before that! Maybe that's the reason we take great pride in our history as a company serving woodworkers. We are woodworkers. With, we wanted to stay true to our roots.
One of's most popular destinations is the Browse Print Catalogs® ( U.S. Patent 8,417,599, filed December 6, 2001, and issued April 9, 2013) area. Working in conjunction with our powerful search engine, our Browse Print Catalog Engine® ( U.S. Patent 8,417,599, filed December 6, 2001, and issued April 9, 2013) allows you to select one of our six latest catalogs and digitally 'thumb' through the book, just as if you had the paper version right in front of you! Simply select the catalog you would like to browse by clicking on the cover.
Then pull down the list of pages in that catalog. Just like that, you can look at an electronic copy of the catalog. And when you click a product presentation on the selected page, you will go directly to the full presentation of that product. This is just one of the ways you can quickly and easily access the products you are seeking. Another way is to create your own Custom Catalog ( U.S.
Patent 7,472,082, filed September 25, 2002, and issued December 30, 2008) loaded with products you have selected. Sound interesting? How To Create Your Own Custom Catalog Full Of Your Favorite Products ( U.S. Patent 7,472,082, filed September 25, 2002, and issued December 30, 2008) It's easy to get distracted when you're looking for a particular product as you browse through the thousands of products in the Woodworker's Supply catalog.
The same thing can happen when browsing our web site. Sure, we have over 23,000 products to choose from, but you may not need to see them all every time you visit our site.
With a printed catalog, it's easy to dog-ear a page for quick reference later. Unfortunately, you can't dog-ear your computer! When you create your own Custom Catalog, you create immediate access to only those items you have selected. For example, if you have a Porter-Cable 333 sander, you may not want to wade through all the sanding discs we offer to find the sizes and grits that fit that sander.
When you create your own Custom Catalog, you can save time by going directly to the sizes and grits that interest you most. And you still have access to our entire selection at any time! Here's how it works! First find a product you would like in Your Custom Catalog.
Notice that on the right hand side of the order box for that product, there is a column titled ' Custom Catalog'. Simply click the empty box in the same row as the product you wish to add. After a quick refresh of the page, you will see a checkmark in that box.
Now, follow the link at the top of the page titled ' Your Custom Catalog'. After entering your login and password, you will be taken to Your Custom Catalog displaying the product you just added. Selection works on a line by line basis, so be sure to check each item within a presentation if you would like it to appear in Your Custom Catalog.
It's that easy! Now whenever you visit®, you can quickly access specialty items and other items that are of particular interest to you. Woodworker's Supply®, Inc.
Went live with the company's website® on October 22, 2001. The company offers a selection of more than 23,000 products for professional woodworkers and amateur enthusiasts, the most comprehensive in the woodworking market.
The web site contains many unique features. One is to create your own Custom Catalog ( U.S. Patent 7,472,082, filed September 25, 2002, and issued December 30, 2008) ( Your Custom Catalog). Another feature allows you to find and order product by viewing the company's print catalog ( Browse Print Catalog Engine® ( U.S. Patent 8,417,599, filed December 6, 2001, and issued April 9, 2013)). The Search Engine allows searches by keyword, brand, or model number and is among the best search engines on the web.
You also get the legendary service of Woodworker's Supply®. Stores and distribution centers Click on a map to get a larger copy suitable for printing. Albuquerque, NM 5604 Alameda Place NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87113 Phone: (505) 821-0500 Fax: (505) 821-7331 Store Hours Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Sunday: Closed Take I-25 to Exit 233 (Alameda Blvd.). Take Pan American (the east-side frontage road) north past American Toyota. Turn right on Alameda Place. Woodworker's Supply is the large brown building on right. Casper, WY 1108 North Glenn Road Casper, Wyoming 82601 Phone: (307) 237-5528 Fax: (307) 577-5272 Store Hours Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday & Sunday: Closed Take I-25 to Poplar St.
Exit, take right turn at Dairy Queen (English Ave.) then 2nd turn on right onto Glenn Rd. Go past Harley Davidson (on right side of road) and follow winding road up the hill. RV parking available. Burlington, NC NEW! 3663 Alamance Road Burlington, NC 27215 Phone: (336) 578-3001 Fax: (336) 578-1401 Store Hours Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM Saturday & Sunday: Closed Take exit 143 off of I-85.I-40 and head south on NC-62 S/Alamance Road.
Go approximately 2 miles then turn right into Airpark West Industrial Park. Go up the hill and we are located on the east end of the building at the top of the hill. What Some Of Our Customers Say 'John, Rich.
You should know about the good customer service provided by Bob Tyrrell. When last looking at your website, I responded with a comment about difficulties searching for something. Bob answered promptly addressing in detail workings of the site, explaining how I can improve my search techniques, and that the search engine is being improved. Typically, if a response is received from other companies, it is only 'boiler plate', suggesting the company doesn´t 'really' care about the customer.
His response was excellent – and greatly appreciated. I recently began a custom furniture business (after retirement from my other life) and will continue purchasing from your company – in large part because of Bob, and the customer service he provided. Sincerely, Larry W Peterson' 'I HAVE BEEN A CUSTOMER OF YOURS SINCE 1992 STARTING WITH YOUR STORE IN ALBUQUERQUE. WE HAVE SINCE MOVED TO GEORGIA AND DEALT WITH YOUR PEOPLE IN NORTH CAROLINA, AND CASPER. THEY HAVE ALL BEEN FIRST CLASS. RECENTLY I WAS REFERRED TO ERIC FAIRFIELD IN CASPER TO HELP FIND SOME UNUSUAL ITEMS. I WANT TO REPORT THAT HE WAS ONE OF THE BEST OF A FINE CREW THAT REPRESENT WOODWORKER'S SUPPLY.
I just wanted to say as a first time customer to your site, I had an awesome experience and the product is fantastic, fits like a glove and my papasan chair is back to swiveling and rocking. Thanks for the great experience, I hope to do business with you again. Blessings Tim' 'Thank you for your personal concern. In this email world, all sorts of cyber-weird-errors can be made, but caring people to follow up are always the answer. I do like doing business with you guys. Yours, Michael Evans' 'Up until now I have been ordering many of my cabinet supplies through my eCabinet Systems (Thermwood) design software.
I recently placed my first on-line order to pro.woodworker using the custom catalog feature and was able to find more of the supplies I needed at or below my current costs and completed the order in 1/4 the time. This is the way on-line ordering should be. Addtionally, whenever I have placed a phone order I have found the people I dealt with to be pleasant, knowledgeable and helpful, a combination of attributes I can't find anymore. Thank you for making my business a little easier to run. David Yurk Crockett's Cabinetry and Woodworking' 'Your website is the easiest to use of any I ever enter. Everything is laid out intuitively and progresses through an order logically. I can get in, place my order and be out in no time.
I also complement you on your always prompt deliveries.' -Tom Brinson 'I want you to know that as a regular customer I greatly appreciate excellent service and value from Woodworkers Supply. The catalog is extensive. I can almost always find what I look for. The website is clear and easy to navigate. Shipments are prompt and complete.
The quality of the merchandise is excellent. I give you all an A+... Best of all of the online firms with whom I do business! Watson Burts Charlotte, NC Home woodworker' 'Dear Mr. Wirth, Sixteen years ago I purchased a 14' band saw from ATM Corporation. While changing a blade recently a part that adjusts the pitch of the top wheel broke.
I sent an order for a new part to ATM only to find out that they went out of business in 2002 and there was no way to buy the part I needed. I searched the internet with no success and began to think the saw would never run again.
Thinking that a company that sold bandsaw blades may know how I could obtain the part, I call the number for custom blades in your catalog, and a very nice woman suggested I call Woodworker's Supply direct. I did this and was routed to Mr. Eric Fairfield in your parts dept.
I discussed the situation with Eric and he offered to check parts from the 14' Woodtek bandsaw you sell. We compared measurements over the phone and It seemed that the part was the same. I asked Eric that if I purchased the part and it was not the same could I return it and he said of course. The part, which I found out from the invoice was call a Trunnion Bracket was exact except for the tension spring size. I call Eric and ordered the Woodtek spring and today the saw runs as good as new.
The reason for this story is to thank you for having such dedicated and nice employees in your company. For years I have purchased products from Woodworker's Supply but never realized their were people working behind the Catalog pages. I thank you, Eric Fairfield, and the rest of your staff for you service and more important for making an old man happy.' Walter Greening 'Thank You for your super service processing my order I'm very impressed and will look to you for all my future woodworking tool purchases.'
Steve Maloney 'Just a note to say how good your website is. It is the best I've ever seen for being easy to use, not confusing, fast--just no problems at all.
Congratulations on a really good job. Oh, another thing, your shipping rates did not turn me off like on some other sites.
What a bummer when you want to order but the vendor tries to improve his margins by scalping you on shipping. Good choice on your part.' Roger Dooley 'I received everything I ordered in a timely fashion. It has been a pleasure dealing with your company. Your website is user friendly, your prices right, and everything went without a hitch. Ann Inderbitzin 'Dear Mr.
Thanks for your help, time and consideration. I have received my tools yesterday in the afternoon, I appreciate what you guys done for me. Sincerely, Gerardo Figueroa' 'Thanks for your help this is the only wood working store I will order from and your help proves customer care is still alive Thanks again for your help' John O 'Just a short note to let you know Mark Tompkin deserves a word of thanks. It's guys like him that keep me coming back to you for orders.
I called late Friday afternoon for some wood filler for an oak floor I was installing. My little after three pm call and short beg for help was responded to by Mark.
I'd planned on calling the order in right after lunch, but a couple guys stopped by and offered their help to finish the installation, and it was hard to say no. Mark did his best to rush the order to get it out for your Friday's UPS pickup, so it would be here today - Monday It just arrived. Thanks Mark, Bob dba roosevelt construction' 'John, I have ordered from you numerous times and absolutely love your 'quick order' feature on your site. The architect should be commended. David' 'John I just wanted to inform you of a wonderful job George Baker has done for me in the past two weeks.
After 28 years my 12 inch disk and 4x48 inch belt sander died. I called and got George as my salesman. I asked him to recommend the best machine you had and after discussing the merits of the various machines we settled on a Powermatic. George was very knowledgeable.
It arrived four days later. Great service. Unfortunately the motor was bad. I called George and four days later a new motor arrived. I appreciated this very much as the sander is a very important machine in our shop.
Let George know I let his boss know what a great employee he is and that it is employees like him that make your business a success. Stan Saperstein founder of Artisans of the Valley.'
'Thank you for your response!!!!!!!!!! I will be sending you an order within the next few days and it will include the 8' Steel City grinder,1725. I do appreciate you going the extra 'mile' Lloyd L.
Ellis 'Dear Mr. Just a note of thanks for great selection and customer service. I'm a full time (and more) Ob Gyn in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was raised by a wonderful father of the great depression. My father was a perfectionist who valued the notion of honesty and good value. From an early age I was taught to work hard, do a superior job and be proud of careful work and serving the client. I inherited those values.
I cannot remember when I was not working with wood. I inherited an amazing life time of tools and teaching. I run a small shop for the shear joy of converting fine wood into fine furniture which will last several life times.I make three to five carefully constructed pieces of fine furniture a year. I use traditional techniques. My output seldom has any fasteners other than fine joinery. I sell some and give many away as gifts.
I enjoy the work immensely, it is the perfect foil to my hectic professional life. As I slow down I spend more and more time in the shop.
I apologize for the long winded preamble. Much to my amazement even though I live in a city of more than a million people it is very hard to get anywhere remotely close to one stop shopping.I have used your firm for many years and never had a bad experience. Even though I'm a small but loyal customer you have never let me down.I can get great service with a personal touch. I can actually get faster delivery at lower price than I can get locally even after time consuming searching. What a great job!
Your employees should be proud, as should you. My recent order was handled by Dean Welch. We laughed, joked, and had a fine time on the phone, he should be commended. You have my loyalty.
Sincerely, Clayton Wilde' 'Nice web site. Quick and straight-forward!' Mike Behel 'Dear Mr. Wirth: I ordered model # 73254, magnifier lamp on 02-20-07 for my miniature work, with my calendar marked for 02-28-07 to make sure I received it in a timely manner and to call if I hadn't received it by that date. Imagine my surprise to find it outside my door today, 02-23-07. Obviously I stopped everything to set it up and if anything, it works better than I imagined for the price. I liked it so much that I ordered a second one today for my mother who is having vision problems.
Thank you and your staff for your quick response, terrific product, and I look forward to many hours of miniature work that I can now see. Sincerely, Christine Lillich' 'I would like to thank you and your employees for your prompt delivery of my last order. I placed the order around 9:30 p.m. 20,2007and it was at my front door Friday Feb. 23.I appreciate good service and Quality products.I am glad to know there are still a few places of business that pride themselves in serving their customers.' Gewright from the internet 'I am a customer of Woodworker's Supply and recently made an order for a major tool.
Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers To Riddles on this page. I just want to tell you that Dave, in Albuquerque, is a real credit to your organization. He answered my questions well and was most helpful and professional. I was especially impressed and appreciative as my order was a little complicated; and the day before I had become somewhat frustrated with a lady in your Caspar, WY facility, because she seemed to know little about the product, the pricing, or the rebate program offered by Steel City Tools.
I came close to ordering the product from some other supplier, but decided to try again today because I have had good service from you before. Again, Dave was most helpful, friendly, and knowledgeable.
I believe in complimenting good service, so I wanted to let you know. I called him back and asked to whom I could go to do so. He gave me this email address. Thanks for having some really outstanding customer service folks!
Grubbs Associate Professor, Graduate Faculty (and woodworker) The School of Social Work Grambling State University Grambling, LA' 'I have to tell you: This is the first time I've used this updated website to order items and it is BY FAR the easiest, most user-friendly site I've ever ordered from. I wish you'd send this system on to LL Bean, Lands' End, JC Penny, etc., etc.! Thanks for making my day! JR's wife (the Head Orderer)' 'I made my first orfer with your company last week and just wanted to say thanks for making it so easy. I recieved exactly what I ordered and not a substitute item.
It may have but my first order but It won't be the last.' Ray from the internet 'Hello! Is, among other things, full of electric tools that simply can't be found in Europe. The new Porter-Cable 371K Compact Belt Sander is a tool I've been waiting for in 30 years! But alas, it's on 120 V AC. In Europe, most countries except the U.K.
Have 240 V single-phase current, and 440 V three-phase. If this was standardized, much more of the American tools and semi-professional machinery could be sold in Europe (by agents?), hopefully to U.S. Prices, which are 1/3 to 1/2 of the comparable European prices.
That explains why the market for especially semi-professional machinery here is so small, and why the shopping malls are full of the very cheapest Chinese crap tools. In the U.S., you have dozens of woodworking magazines (I subscribe to a couple), in Europe I've know of two – in the U.K. So – for the time being, I have to limit my private U.S.
Import no non-electric tools and equipment, but I am very pleased with what I've got to this day, and impressed with the nice personal service you provide from the other side of the world. Regards, Jan Andersson' 'A contractor recommended your website to me to look for supplies for several remodeling jobs we have going on. You have a great selection of products and I love the wish list and personal catalog.
It will save me time when I revisit to place my order. LM Spring Hill, TN' 'This is to let you know that your new plug cutters have received my coveted tool improvement of the year award. I build mesquite rocking chairs in Tucson. Finding a plug cutter that doesn't start burning on the third or forth plug has been impossible. The result of the burning is a dark (burn) circle around each plug. This of coarse defeats the purpose of using face grain plugs, that is for the plug to disappear.
I bought a couple of your new plug cutters a while ago and just now got around to trying them. I require only 12 plugs per chair. Your cutter easily cut 15 perfect (no burn) plugs.
Thanks Gerry hill Oro Valley Arizona' 'Dear Mr. Wirth, just wanted to tell you that the DELTA x5 bandsaw and the other parts we`ve ordered arrived here in W.-Germany safe & sound. It was a pleasure to do business with your company again and the 'made in USA' bandsaw is outstanding! Please forward a big THANKS to Mr.Taylor, we really appreciated how he treated us! Tony Miller / The Milagro Woodshop / Traunstein, W.Germany' 'Dear Mr. Wirth, This is to say thanks for your company and the excellent service you provide.
Special appreciation goes to Mr. Page, Showroom Manager, Southeast Offices/Warehouse--1125 Jay Lane, Graham, North Carolina 27253. Page always goes above and beyond all expectations in helping us determine what purchases fit our needs best.
We are very fortunate to be associated with such an outstanding gentleman. Both you and he are models for other businesses. Sincerely, Jimmy D.
Hatfield' 'Mr. Wirth, Excellent - Excellent. If you live in Canada - READ THIS.
The first order I placed with you several months ago, I must admit, I thought I was 'just lucky' on that occasion to receive Such Super-Fast delivery - Superb Pricing - and Unbelievable Customer Support. I was not 'just lucky' - Seems it's your policy to do business this well.
Now MANY orders later, I no longer visit your web-site (unless I'm not sure what I want) - I simply e-mail Mark Tompkins (Now in my 'Outlook Contacts') with my requirements and then wait for the door-bell to ring. I normally do NOT write e-mails to comment on excellence but Mark (and®) are so consistently efficient that you can be described as 'unexpectedly-unusual'. Keep it up - I do not want to lose '' as my 'First-Choice' supplier. You're on my Christmas List.' Patrick Kennedy (Alberta, Canada) 'Mr. Wirth, I just now received (friday afternoon 4/1) from UPS a package containing my complete order of several items from Woodworker Supply in Albuquerque. The thing I find so nice is that I just ordered it Wednesday evening.wednesday 3/30)of this in just 2 days ago!
Now that's service!! Thanks to your wonderful and speedy staff.whether over the web or in person, I alkways leave Woodworkers very happy!
Thanks,' Lee Swan 'You guys are absolutely the greatest!!!!!! To order something on Tuesday the week before Christmas, and actually receive it on Thursday, just two days later is phenomenal!!!! Many thanks to you and your company for this effort!!
I will surely keep your company as part of my 'Favorites' for future internet purchases. Happy Holidays to all!!!!!! ' George Fischer 'I wanted to let you know how pleased I was ordering from your company. I was really impressed and surprised at the fast service I received. I ordered on Thursday and was really surprised when I got them Sat.
I don't think I have ever received such fast service from any company. I will always look at your company in the future for things I need but cant find. Thank you for such a great job.' Connie Grayson 'I just placed another order online. Your system is very complete and it works well. I'll be back.' Sherry Burkholder 'Hello, I received my order yesterday, am very impressed with the extraordinarily fast turnaround time from the day I submitted my request, and the time it took to receive it.
I was equally pleased that, although my order was a small one, I was treated like a corporate client! Also, you put an end to a long search for just the items I have been looking for.
Thank you very much for such excellent service!' Diana Heller 'The site is a great site. I loved the features on it, especially the browse print catalogs and custom catalogs. This site has clearly taken woodworkers needs into consideration. Great job Woodworkers Supply!' Rickey via 'I was extremely impressed with this Site.
Found exactly what I had searched the entire web for and came up empty, unitl now!' Nelson via 'It was a pleasure to browse, create a shopping cart (which I came back to over a few days), and setting up my 'kwik klik' account (which was the easiest and simple method as I've ever encountered). Thanks again, and I look forward to my materials I've ordered! Thanks,' Mike Morrison (longtime catalog receiver!) 'We are extremely satisfied with your service. Great customer service dept. Order promptly filled.
Courteous staff. Thanks again for your service.' Lou McWhorter 'You have just about the best internet order process that I have experienced.
It is very helpful that you have made it so speedy and convienent. RH Dormandy 'I just want to say that it is always a pleasure dealing with your company. You have a great of products and I often find solutions to problems just by looking through your catalog. The web site works great as well. Thanks for the great service!' Tim via® 'I just want to say that it is always a pleasure dealing with your company.
You have a great of products and I often find solutions to problems just by looking through your catalog. The web site works great as well. Thanks for the great service!' Steve via® 'I already get your catalog, so I am very pleased with your rapid order feature.
I already knew what I wanted before logging in and the rapid order feature allowed me to order with no fuss or searching through product information. Thank you' Jim Sundergill 'I have a sander with an odd belt size that I was unable to find in any retail outlet locally. My son suggested that I try the internet. I found your site.
You had what I needed and at a price that was surprisingly low, even with S&H. Figured I would have to wait weeks for the shipment. Another surprise, the shipment was on my doorstep four days later. Thank you for the great service and prices.' Paul Ambraz 'John, Just a note of appreciation for your response to my question. On Monday I sent you a note asking for help with my grinder/sharpener.
Wednesday I received a note from one of your staff explaining that the part was on its way, and also if I needed technical help to contact your staff as well. The part arrived yesterday, the unit was already open so I popped in the new part, and dressed up a few chisels.:):):) Thanks to you and all at Woodworkers Supply. Value includes the right quality, the right price and great service. Woodworkers supply has great value with this woodworker.' Dick's Woodshop 'John, I saw your note inside the cover of the latest catalog and decided to send you this. I want to say thanks for all the great service your company has provided me over the years, but especially this past year. For years I dabbled in woodworking, but within this last year I have expanded my interest into what you might call a full time hobby.
Recently, I ordered a tool from one of your competitors to save $5.00 - boy was that a mistake. I used the $5.00 to pay for express shipping, which did not show up on time. Apparently, someone in their shipping department shipped it UPS Ground even though I paid the extra. To make a long story short, after a half dozen phone calls they re-sent the tool via super FedEx at no charge. Bottom line - they probably will never get my business again as long as your company is there to support all us weekend woodworkers. Thanks again for the great service.'
'Just wanted to send you a quick note to express my appreciation for the way your company conducts business, not only are your prices comparable, but the speed that the orders get here really impresses me. I run a one man cabinet shop and source my supplies from a lot of different companies. Normally anything mail order takes a week and a half, but yours gets here the second day and even if something is available locally at the same price, I'll order it from you because it costs me more in down time to go to the store than what it costs shipping from you.
Thanks again.' Via e-mail 'I am very happy with the speed of service.'
R.K., Harbor Springs, MI 'Tell your boss I am happy with your service and delivery.' D.E., La Jolla, CA 'I was amazed at your quick delivery, you guys did a great job.
My order seemed to appear overnight!' B.B., Pensacola, FL 'I never got such great service from your company before.' Appalachian Rail System, VA 'Great service, wish all competitors would do the same!' Pleasant, SC 'Dear John: I wanted you to know how much I have enjoyed dealing with your firm for the past couple of years.
Your phone staff is very friendly and exceptionally professional. A wicked combination to say the least!!!!
I find ordering with your 'front-line warriors' to be the easiest of the many firms I deal with. Thanks for the great service, prices and help.' Burnley Cook 'The speed of service is excellent when I can place an order one day and receive the order the next day.' R.S., Cody, WY 'Time and time again you guys are great with the quick service.' R.R., Beaver Fall, PA 'I appreciate being able to call in an order one day and receive it the next.' T.W., Lingle, WY 'John, I never expected the type of response I got to the email that I sent you. With all due respect to your time, I hope you'll let me give you some details as to how this problem has been resolved.
I'm so impressed with your organization that I want to make sure I don't understate just how well this was handled. I had hoped that you would help me, but I never imagined that you and your staff would go to such great lengths to ensure my satisfaction. I can't say thank you enough. Please know how much I appreciate everyone's help, and I hope you might let them know that it didn't go unnoticed. This is truly a welcome change to how most places do business. I certainly look forward to remaining a loyal customer for many more years to come.' Thanks again for everything, B.V., Greensboro, NC 'That's absolutely fantastic service, your service is terrific!'
J.B., Fort Myers, FL 'I was shocked about the early delivery, and pleased.' C.W., Prospect, CT 'Woodworker's Supply is an all around excellent company.' Galt, IA 'Dear Mr. Wirth: I would like to extend my appreciation for your people at the Graham, North Carolina store, in particular, Benny Page, the Sales Manager. I am very satisfied and feel like I can go back anytime, be received as a friend and be treated fairly and equitably.
Please extend my thanks. This is the way to grow your business.' Sincerely, H.D.C., Gibsonville, N.C. 'I appreciate your personal interest and timely assistance. Rest assured I will continue to call upon my Woodworker's catalog in future needs. Additionally, I have and will continue to inform my friends and acquaintances of your outstanding policy of customer assistance.' K.R., Northridge, CA 'After listening carefully to my requirements and the function I had in mind for the tool, [salesman] George Monchak made his suggestion.
It was clear his suggestion was based on years of experience with tools and thoughtful consideration of my special needs. I was delighted to find the tool was even better than recommended and far superior to the tool I was replacing.' Ph.D., Santa Fe, NM 'I must express my sincere appreciation to you and Woodworker's Supply for the extraordinary efforts you went through to more than satisfy one of your customers. Thanks again and I can assure you that the only store I will turn to for my woodworking needs is Woodworker's Supply, you guys are the best!' Chapel Hill, NC 'Dear Mr. Wirth: I would like to extend my special thanks to you and your company for an extremely well handled customer service issue.
Rest assured that I have told this story many times. Your warranty goes above and beyond my expectation and I promise to be a Woodworkers Supply customer to the maximum extent possible. It is truly refreshing to do business with a company like yours. Privacy Policy In General We do not sell, rent, or trade your personal information with anyone.
We do, however, use aggregate information collected to customize your® to better suit your needs. E-Mail Addresses We may periodically send you information about our web site or promotions. However you will be given an opt-out option in those mails. We do not sell, rent or trade these addresses with other organizations. Your Phone and FAX Numbers We may use them to contact you regarding an order you've sent or a question you've asked.
We do not sell, rent or trade these numbers with other organizations. Your Name and Address You may receive catalogs and mailings from us with information about products, promotions or services. If you do not wish to receive these mailings, please send us a note along with a copy of your mailing label to the address below. Occasionally, we make a portion of our mailing list available to carefully screened organizations that may be of interest. If you do not wish to receive these mailings, please send a copy of a mailing label to: Woodworker's Supply Attn: Circulation Department 5604 Alameda Pl. NE Albuquerque, NM 87113. With a note saying so.
Contacting Us Phone Sales Number: 1-800-645-9292 Fax Number: 1-800-853-9663 Key Staff John Wirth Jr., President Email: (307) 237-5528, ext. 3023 (Casper) (505) 797-1487, ext. 3023 (Albuquerque) VP Marketing & Sales Email: (505) 797-1487, ext. 3126 Catalog Marketing Manager Email: (505) 797-1487, ext. 3036 Internet Sales & Support and Catalog Mailing Address Changes Email: Email: 1-800-231-2748 ext. 3074 505-797-1487, ext.
3074 Clay Taylor, International Sales Email: 1-800-231-2748 ext. 3010 505-797-1487, ext.
3010 Industrial/Pro Sales Email: 1-800-231-2748 ext. 3001 505-797-1487, ext. 3001 Lisa Weesner, Customer Service Email: 1-800-231-2748, ext.
3074 505-797-1487, ext. 3074 Robert Tyrrell, Website Manager Email: (505) 797-1487 ext. 3105 Comments about our web site Email: Product Questions Email: Woodtek® Parts and Machine Support 1-800-648-3953 x3038 Email: By Location Albuquerque, New Mexico 5604 Alameda Pl. NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 STORE: (505) 821-0500 FAX: (505) 821-7331 TOLL FREE: 1-800-231-2748 Operations Manager, Darrell Feldmann Email: (505) 797-1487 ext. 3033 Showroom Manager, Curt Westbrook Email: (505) 821-0500 ext. 3026 Casper, Wyoming (corporate headquarters) 1108 North Glenn Rd.
Casper, WY 82601 STORE: (307) 237-5354 FAX: (307) 577-5272 TOLL FREE: 1-800-648-3953 Showroom Email: (307) 237-5354 ext. 3007 Burlington, North Carolina 3663 Alamance Road Burlinton, NC 27215 STORE: (336) 578-3001 FAX: (336) 578-1401 TOLL FREE: 1-800-352-0182 Operations Email: (336) 578-3001 Showroom (336) 578-3001. Ordering (other than web) Toll Free...
Plan out your purchase and then call anytime to place your order. Our expert staff are waiting for your call: Monday through Friday: 8am-8pm Eastern, 7am-7pm Central, 6am-6pm Mountain, 5am-5pm Pacific Saturday: 10am-5pm Eastern, 9am-4pm Central, 8am-3pm Mountain, 7am-2pm Pacific Sunday: closed They can answer questions about what's in stock and how quick it'll ship, and - because they are experienced woodworkers - they can offer advice on tools and techniques while you place your order. Orders will ship from the nearest distribution center. Most orders ship within 24 hours. Please include a phone number so we can get in touch (especially on machinery orders where we're dealing with several freight lines). Write as clearly as possible and send it to us. We ship most orders within 24 hours.
Feel free to call if there's a question or change after you've mailed it. Mail domestic orders to: Woodworker's Supply, Inc. Attn.: Order Dept. 1108 North Glenn Rd. Casper, WY 82601 By Fax Toll Free...
Fill out the and FAX it to us. Your FAX will automatically be routed to the distribution center nearest you. FAX orders should be paid by credit card or open account. How to Handle Your Account Creating an account When you create an account, you enable customized features such as Custom Catalog ( U.S. Patent 7,472,082, filed September 25, 2002, and issued December 30, 2008) and Wish List settings. You must give us at least one mailing address for catalogs and one address for shipments (they can be the same).
You can store multiple ship-to addresses and multiple credit card numbers. Password Maintenance You may change your password under Checkout Settings Management any time after logging in. Please see our page for additional help. Address, Phone, FAX, E-mail Address Maintenance You may change any of these under Checkout Settings Management any time after logging in. Please see our page for additional help. Viewing Your Order History You may view your account history after logging in. Click on the button labeled 'Order History' to view your web orders.
Refer a friend or colleague If you would like to send a friend a catalog or an e-mail referral please send us his or her name, physical address, and e-mail address to and indicate if you would like a catalog sent, a welcome e-mail sent, or both. Do you receive duplicate catalogs? If you do, please send the mailing labels from any extras to: Woodworker's Supply, Inc. Attn: Circulation Department 5604 Alameda Pl. NE Albuquerque, NM; 87113 Mailing list preference We occasionally make our customer list available to carefully screened merchants.
If you do not wish to have your name made available, please write to us: Woodworker's Supply c/o: Circulation Director 5604 Alameda Pl. NE Albuquerque, NM 87113. Or send e-mail to. If you wish to limit the direct mail solicitations you receive, please write to: Mail Preference Service, c/o DMA, PO Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735. How to Find Products Browse Print Catalog Engine® ( U.S. Patent 8,417,599, filed December 6, 2001, and issued April 9, 2013) This is a very friendly and unique feature on®.
Simply select which catalog you want from the pull down menu and select the page. Or, you can select the catalog's Index Page, then jump to pages in the print catalog from the Index Page.
Click anywhere on the catalog page to show a detailed Presentation from which you can obtain additional information and add items to your cart. Keyword Search An intelligent and powerful Dynamic Keyword Search Engine SM with which you can select your search logic (to narrow or widen the search) and select where you want the search to look. This Dynamic Keyword Search Engine SM returns a Mini Presentation with a thumbnail photo that links to a full Presentation. Browse Product Categories Our Browse Product Categories allows you to list all the Mini Presentations (which links to full Presentations) in one or more of our 440+ Product Categories.
How to Order Rapid Order (Enter directly into Shopping Cart) If you have a list of what you wish to order, follow the link provided at the bottom of every page entitled 'Rapid Order'. You will then be taken to a shopping cart where you can enter the product number and quantity you wish to purchase. You can also use the 'Rapid Order' box located at the top of every page to enter products. You will have the opportunity to revise the quantity before the order is sent to our server. Order through Search Engine From the Presentation returned by our you may add any item to your cart by inserting the quantity and clicking on 'add'. You will have several opportunities to revise the quantity or delete the item before the order is sent to our server. Order through Browse Print Catalog Engine® From the Presentation returned by our ( U.S.
Patent 8,417,599, filed December 6, 2001, and issued April 9, 2013) you may add any item to your cart by inserting the quantity and clicking on 'add'. You will have several opportunities to revise the quantity or delete the item before the order is sent to our server. Order from your own Custom Catalogs ( U.S. Patent 7,472,082, filed September 25, 2002, and issued December 30, 2008) You can create, edit and order from your own Custom Catalogs. From any Presentation you may check/uncheck the button to the right of any item to add/delete it from your Custom Catalogs.
To view or order from your Custom Catalogs, select Custom Catalogs on the home page. You will see all the Mini Presentations in your catalog corresponding to the item in your Catalog. From the Mini Presentations you can click to the full Presentation.
From any Presentation returned by your Custom Catalogs you may add any item to your cart by inserting the quantity and clicking on 'add'. You will have several opportunities to revise the quantity or delete the item before the order is sent to our server. Your Custom Catalogs are enabled by password and are not accessible by others. Kwik Klik SM Ordering Kwik Klik Ordering is available directly in your Checkout Settings Management Page.
To use it, make sure you have the items in your cart you wish to purchase. Then, login using the 'Create/Edit Your Settings' link. The first button the Settings page is the 'Kwik Klik Checkout.' Click this button to be taken to the cart where you can quickly checkout.
Click the Checkout button and you're done! Wish Lists / Gift Registry Our Wish List software allows you to create from any Presentation a list of items you or others may refer to and order from. A Wish List button appears to the right of each Product indicating whether the item is on your Wish List. You may email your Wish List to your friends so they can purchase gifts for you.
Project Lists SM Our Project Lists SM software allows you to create one or more Project Lists SM for you to refer to and order from. You can name the lists whatever you wish. Your Project Lists SM are enabled by password and are not accessible to others. Gift Certificates We currently offer paper gift certificates in $25, $50 and $100 denominations. There are no Packing and Insure Delivery charges for gift certificates.
We will address the certificate to the person you put in the 'Ship To' name fields. You may add these directly into your cart under the following Product Numbers. $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 Gift Certificates are available in other denominations. Call our sales staff to order those certificates.
All Gift Certificates are good for 5 years from the issue date. We are now accepting gift certificates online. If you have a gift certificate beginning with an 'E' or a 'W', you can apply your gift certificate online during checkout.
At checkout, there is a box where you can enter your Gift Certificate number. Once you've entered the number, click the 'Apply to Order' button to see the amount deducted from your subtotal. If you have a gift certificate with only numbers, you must still mail in your certificate to redeem it. You can mail in an order with the gift certificate(s) (you can compose the order online, print it and not click Submit). Or, you can phone the order in to 1-800-645-9292. We'll enter the order, reserve the products for you and release the order for shipment when we receive the certificate(s).
How to Pay By Credit Card We accept Discover, Master Card, Visa, and American Express. Open Account We offer open account on a 30-day basis to schools, government agencies, and publicly held companies in good credit standing. If your firm has an open account please check the Open Account payment option. Your order will be processed subject to our approval. Sales tax Because we have showrooms and warehouses in New Mexico, Wyoming, and North Carolina, we are required to collect taxes from customers in those states. If your order specifies a sold-to or ship-to address in these states, the following sales tax will be added to the order.
State Tax Rates * New Mexico 7.312% North Carolina** 7.5% Wyoming*** 6.00% *Tax rates are subject to change without notice **North Carolina tax rate is an estimate. The State Base Tax is 4.75% with variable rates in addition for each county. We estimate at the high end.
The taxes collected on your order may be lower. **Wyoming tax rate is an estimate. The State Base Tax is 4% with variable rates in addition for each county.
We estimate at the high end. The taxes collected on your order may be lower.
Customer Service Before the sale / ask us for advice • By E-mail: • By Phone: 1-800-645-9292 • By Fax: 1-800-853-WOOD (9663) • By Mail: mail to or, your choice Remember, all of our sales staff are woodworkers! Out of stock items Nobody hates back-orders more than we do. If any item is back-ordered longer than 30 days, we'll notify you with the option of canceling the order.
Sometimes we're at the mercy of the manufacturer and it can't be helped. We accept the responsibility of being a supplier to folks who make a living with their hands and our products. We strive to hold backorders to a minimum.
When you place an order for multiple items and we happen to be out of stock on one or more of them, you are only charged once for shipping. Even if we have to ship several packages to fulfill your order. We hate backorders as much as anyone, yet they are a fact of life. By only charging shipping on the first order, maybe we can lessen the frustration just a little. Changing an open order You can change any existing order that has not transferred from our server to our warehouse.
This is approximately one hour after you have entered it. After the Sale • By E-mail: • By Phone: 1-800-645-9292 (Your call will be routed to Casper or Albuquerque) • By Fax: 1-800-853-WOOD (9663) • By Mail: mail to or, your choice • Automatic order tracking Currently, your online order history does not show the shipping carrier tracking number for your order. However, order confirmations and shipping confirmation notices that we send to you via email will contain these tracking numbers.
You may also receive your tracking number by contacting our Internet Sales Support Team. • No Hassle Guarantee / Returns If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, simply return the merchandise via surface delivery within 90 days of purchase for an immediate refund or replacement, as you request. No reason is required for the return, but we would appreciate your letting us know so we may take corrective action.
This guarantee excludes machinery and power tools. Machines and power tools are covered by manufacturer's warranty. Please return merchandise in original condition and packaging.
• • Your comments/suggestions are always welcome! If you would like to add your comments, email us here -. Catalog Requests A single free copy of our catalog will be sent to you in the U.S. If you simply click on the Catalog Request link and fill in the information. You catalog should arrive within a week. You may subscribe to an annual subscription of at least five copies of our 220+ page catalog for a cost of $10.00 of going to the order cart and inserting item. If in a foreign country you may order a single copy of our 220+ page book for $5.00 by going to the order cart and inserting.
Expert Woodtek® Technical Service Call TOLL FREE 1-800-545-9663 x3038 (M-F 8am - 3pm, Mountain Time) for technical service on Woodtek® machinery, including parts, replacement and set-up advice. You can also email for help and support. The way we treat you We believe in the Golden Rule. Simply stated, we treat others the way we wish to be treated. If you ever have a problem of any kind with our products, service or personnel, we want to hear about it so we can fix it!
Feel free to tell us what you would like us to do to solve the problem and, if it is within reason, we'll do it! Shipping & Handling Woodworker's Express SM/Ground Shipping Woodworker's Supply ships faster than anyone in the woodworking business! We ship most in-stock orders from our regional warehouses the same business day they are received! SHIPPING CHARGES Despite recent dramatic fuel cost increases, we strive to provide you with the quickest, most economical delivery of any woodworking supplier in the world. • Each order requires a Packing and Insured Delivery Charge (see table below). This charge covers your cost of shipping most parcels to the 48 contiguous states (including APO and FPO addresses) by surface. Extra charges apply to motor freight, hazardous materials, oversize, overweight, and air shipments.
All international shipments require air service. There are no extra charges for additional shipment of backordered product.
• In the 48 contiguous states we ship via UPS, FedEx Ground or, if requested or to a PO Box, via Parcel Post 4th Class USPS mail. • Hazardous items normally ship via UPS and cannot be shipped via air. See below for definition and extra charges.
Please remember that we cannot ship Flammable or Hazardous materials by air. • Due to recent USPS changes, we ship all foreign orders by air. Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Shipments • We ship via Parcel Post 4th Class USPS mail unless otherwise specified. • For air shipment you can specify Priority Air, Economy Air or Priority Mail.
• See the Packing and Insured Delivery Charge and Air Shipment Charges below. Some large items cannot be shipped to these addresses.
International Order Procedures and Charges We welcome orders from around the world. All orders are shipped via air delivery and require both the Packing and Insured Delivery Charges and Air Shipment Charges per tables below.
All orders are shipped complete unless prior arrangements are made through our sales staff. Machinery shipments require a quote. Duties and taxes are separate charges and are the responsibility of the recipient. All shipments include invoices and NAFTA Certificates where applicable. Please call 1-800-231-2748 x3010 or 1-505-821-1511 x3010 or fax your requests to Clay Taylor at 1-505-231-7331. All Foreign shipments are subject to the restrictions and regulations of your country.
You may also email requests to: Motor freight charges Items weighing 500 lbs. Or less will be removed from the truck to the ground for you. Motor Freight charges, where applicable, are shown with each machine and in the shopping cart. This charge is in addition to the Packing and Insured Delivery Charge and is for delivery in the 48 contiguous states. Certain special order heavy machinery may require a freight quote. For shipments outside the 48 contiguous states, call or email for a quote.
Oversize / Overweight charges Products which require an additional handling charge due to package size or weight link to a page showing the amount to be added. This charge is in addition to the Packing and Insured Delivery Charge and machine motor freight charges. These charges may change without notice.
Flammable or hazardous shipping A surcharge is imposed for boxes needing a hazardous label. These labels are for items the DOT deems hazardous.
The symbol ( ) designates those products. We can pack a total of 2 gallons in a box.
The surcharge is $25.00 per box or 5 gallon pail. Hazardous material may not be returned. • Flammable or hazardous items are shipped UPS or FedEx Ground only.
Hazardous items may not be shipped out of the 48 contiguous states and they cannot be shipped through the U.S. Postal Service. Other Important Items Low Price Guarantee Compare our guarantee with any other and you'll find a big difference. This is our commitment to you; if, before you buy, you find a bona-fide, printed nationally advertised, delivered price on an identical, available product that is lower than the price in the catalog or on this website, we will match that price and subtract 10% of the difference from your bill.
If you do find a lower, printed nationally advertised, delivered price on an identical, available product within 90 days of purchase from us, we will refund the difference, plus 20% of that difference! No Hassle Guarantee If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, simply return the merchandise within 90 days of purchase for an immediate refund or replacement, as you request. No reason is required for the return, but we would appreciate your letting us know so we may take corrective action. This guarantee excludes machinery and power tools. Machines and power tools are covered by manufacturer's warranty.
Please return merchandise in original condition and packaging. We do our best to hold prices for at least 60 days. Due to fluctuating market conditions, we reserve the right to change prices without notice.
Photographic or typographic errors are subject to correction when ordering. Power tool and machine specifications provided by manufacturers are subject to change. Prices and Pricing/Error Disclaimer Photographic or typographic errors are subject to correction when ordering. Prices on this web site may be different than those in current printed catalogs.
We reserve the right to change prices without notice. California Prop 65 California's Proposition 65 entitles California consumers to special warnings for products that contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm if those products expose consumers to such chemicals above certain threshold levels. We care about our customers' safety and hope that the information below helps with your buying decisions. The general Proposition 65 notice is as follows: WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
We have decided to provide this warning based on our knowledge about the possible presence of one or more harmful chemicals. At the time of order, you may be able to place one of these restricted items into your shopping cart, but based on the customer's shipping address, we reserve the right to cancel one or more items on an order so that we remain in compliance with California consumer protection laws. Employment opportunities We are always looking for talented full time or part time staff with woodworking experience for our three locations. Please e-mail your resume and salary requirements to. OPEN POSITIONS: • None at this time.