Rabies Vaccine Serial Numbers
National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV) Form #51, Rabies Vaccination Certificate (or state equivalent), is normally provided by the veterinarian at the time of vaccination and can be used as proof of vaccination when traveling. At a minimum, the Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (health certificate) must show the same information that comes from the NASPHV Form #51, Rabies Vaccination Certificate, to include the manufacturer, vaccine type, lot/serial number and expiration date.
Search for other trademarks at Trademarkia. The USPTO has given the RABAVERT RABIES VACCINE trademark serial number of. Adobe Framemaker 12 Crack. The RABAVERT RABIES VACCINE. Beyblade Battle Games Download. The following must be filled in on the rabies certificate: 1. Serial Number: Fill in the vaccine serial number which is on each vaccine vial or tanker.